Paleoanthropology: The Science of Being Always Wrong

Fossil hunters looking for human evolution have been wrong so many times, the rubble of bombed theories is bouncing. Listen to their own admissions. Jen Viegas in Seeker, in an article reposted by Live Science, describes three clever ways that Neanderthal Man invented adhesives 200,000 Darwin Years ago. More interesting than the techniques, though, are […]

Weekend Biomimetics Showcase

The focus in biology these days is on design. Here's evidence.

Inspiring Life Tricks

These tricks are enough to make an inventor run to the patent office.

Celebrate Independence from Darwin

With so much great science news about design, who needs to maintain allegiance to King Charles?

Re-inventing Transportation by Watching Animals

Here are 3 ways science is advancing through the imitation of nature.
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