Adult Stem Cells Beat Clones

In a contest to see which are better, induced pluripotent stem cells proved just as good as clones. More stem cell news follows.

Adult Stem Cells Continue to Offer Hope

Advances with adult stem cells continue to promise new cures without violating ethical concerns over embryo research.

Human Cloning Is Back

If you thought work on human cloning and embryonic stem cell research went out of style with the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells, watch out. The pro-cloning people, who never lost their lust for toying with human embryos, are back.

Human Cloning Advanced Despite Ethics

A researcher in New York obtained women’s eggs and conducted experiments on them that could lead to human cloning. While done in the name of regenerative medicine, the experiments on embryonic stem cells involved the destruction of a human embryo. This kind of experimentation raises multiple ethical concerns, but the researcher went ahead anyway, and scientific journals are hailing the advance, albeit with a palpable twinge of conscience about ethics.
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