Archive: Wood, Gratitude, and Space Aliens

These stories from 2003 are still fun to read after 21 years. Read about wood, gratitude, and space alien morality.

Darwinism Dehumanizes

Evolutionary theory undermines all that is good, true and beautiful in human nature.

Secular Psychology Defrauded the World

It warped our view of human nature, says a psychologist. But we're better now. We just want you to be happy.

Darwinism Is the Scrooge of Science

Character becomes twisted in Darwinism; righteousness is trashed, and vice is rationalized.

Evolutionary Anthropologists Fail Big Time

When you treat other people like evolved animals, you are bound to make mistakes.

Science Confirms Biblical Human Nature

Science reveals that people are just like what the Bible says they are: image-bearers of their Creator, yet fallen into sin.

When Learning, Don’t Neglect the Religion

Scientists could do themselves a favor by getting off the materialist merry-go-round and contemplating their Creator's purpose for their lives.

Christianity Could Help Scientists’ Moral Concerns

When all else fails, look to the Word of God.

Scientific Materialists Crave Morality But Can't Evolve It

If Darwin's theory of origins is true, evil doesn't exist, and notions of morality are up for grabs. That would be a reality too horrible to endure.

Karma Dogma

Can science discover whether belief in karma affects charitable giving?

Secularization of America Accelerates

Should America become like Europe? Or should Europe reverse course and return to its Reformation roots?

Without Integrity, There Is No Science

Science continues facing a crisis in credibility, leaving Big Science institutions scrambling for solutions.

Can Altruism Evolve?

Many animals cooperate; that's an evolutionary puzzle itself. But how can evolution explain human charity to distant strangers?

Can Science Define the Common Good?

While attempting to tell us how fairness evolved for selfish reasons, evolutionists want to push for the "common good."
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