Archive: Titan’s Young Atmosphere, More

These articles from January 2002 still hold interest for us all.
The geyser plumes of Enceladus can be seen from long distances

Archive: Enceladus Eruptions Reported (2005)

We were among the first to announce the geysers found on Enceladus.
Pluto (color-enhanced) from New Horizons, Sept 24, 2015 release

Pluto Volcano Must Be Young

A cryo-supervolcano on Pluto cannot be as old as the planet. What made it erupt relatively recently?

Astrobiologists Ignore Life Complexity

To astrobiologists, cells are just emergent collections of matter. The difficulty of getting them to emerge escapes their notice.   Planetary scientists revealed their bad habit of hydrobioscopy again this week. They reasoned, Saturn’s little moon Enceladus has water; it has methane; it could have life! Why is that their focus? Why are they ignoring […]

More Differences Between Chimps and Humans

Evolutionists still repeat the falsehood that we and apes are 99% similar. The differences are actually profound.

Asteroid Ceres Is Young

The bright spots on Ceres formed recently, say scientists, and activity could be going on today.

Saturn Scientists Dodge Age Issues

Several papers have appeared this month about Saturn and its moons, but they all gloss over the implications for long ages.

Secular Astronomy Fails, I: Solar System

From planets to stars to galaxies, objects don't fit the expectations of materialists who work as astronomers.

Moon Water Is Young

The water detected on the moon by orbiters can only last thousands of years, not billions.

Debate Is Over: Saturn Is Young

Scientists have run out of options to keep Saturn and its rings and moons billions of years old. It's time to face the music.

Saturn’s Ring Moons Collect Ring Dust

How long have these little moons been gathering ring dust on their equators?

Saturn’s Rings Not Just Young, but “Very Young”

Cassini scientists now have reduced the rings' age by an order of magnitude, as if they formed practically "yesterday."

Ceres Is Young

Dawn Mission scientists were surprised to see this asteroid (dwarf planet Ceres) with a water cycle and evidence of rapid geological changes.
Cassini at Saturn

It’s Official: Saturn’s Rings Are Young

There's no stretching the truth any more. Cassini data have led all the ringmasters to the conclusion that the rings of Saturn are not billions of years old.

Cassini Continues to Unveil Youth at Saturn

Reports from Cassini's last days, even up to its last gasps as it plunged into Saturn on September 15, are not supporting long ages.
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