Latest Headlines

Radiant Beams of Aurora Illustrate Silent Night

Illustra Media's Christmas video this year brings angelic natural lights to the most beloved carol.

ENST: How Animals Use Electricity

This article by our Editor was published at Evolution News on Dec. 5th.

Archive: Motors, Teens, Geology Mysteries, Mars Flood, Pluto, Stem Cells, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early December 2001, restored from archives.

Crazy Darwinism Needs Shaming

Censorship of Darwin skeptics has given license to absurd speculations.

Time to Unlearn the Evolutionary March of Human Progress

New discovery adds more evidence against the human evolution progression.

Moon and Mars Puzzle Geologists

"Young" features have no clear explanation, leaving scientists baffled.

ENST: Cell Machines and Planetary Habitability

This article by the CEH Editor was published at Evolution News in 2017.

Archive: Abiogenesis, Lobsters, Logic, Memory, Physics, Big Dinosaurs, More

Here are more of the stories we were reporting in late November 2001, restored from archives.

Lucy Worshiped Like a Religious Icon

The adulation given to the ‘Lucy’ bones overlooks big problems with the fossil.

RNA World Suffers a Backhand Blow

NASA hoped to find a chiral bias that favors left-handed amino acids. They lost.

Evolution Rate: All Noise, No Signal

Darwinists boast of reducing noise in evolution data, but where is the signal?

ENST: Protein Designers Compete for Prizes

"ENST" is a prefix for articles our Editor has written for Evolution News & Science Today.

Archive: Peer Review, Amoebas, Self-Organization, Mars, Stomach Acid, Cholesterol, Junk DNA

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in late November 2001, restored from archives.

Evolutionists Do Not Understand Evolution

Reporters and journal editors continue to misrepresent Darwinian evolution as a goal-oriented design process.

Evolutionist Artificial Cell Membrane Is a Cheap Fake

A "membrane" concocted by evolutionists cannot meet the requirements for life.