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ENST: How Roots Penetrate Hard Soil

Like slow-motion jackhammers, plant roots drive their way through hardpan soil.

Would Science Miss Darwin?

If evolutionism fell out of favor in academia, science would continue—without a ball and chain.

Why You Can Wiggle Your Ears

The Human Ear Muscles, Usually Undeveloped in Persons Living in Modern Western Society, Are in Fact Functional—Not Useless Vestiges.

Entropy Wins QM Challenges

The Second Law of Thermodynamics still tolerates no exceptions.

How Cells Protect the Body

Some of our best defenders operate quietly as microscopic machines within our cells.

Archive: Arctic Dinosaurs, Hearing, Birds, Multiverse, Caveman Diet, School Boards, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early February 2002, restored from archives.

ENST: Dodging the Main Issue in the Cambrian Explosion

Evolutionists dance around the issue: the origin of biological information.

Early Bird Swims Like a Duck

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, what is it?

How the Body Cleans Itself

Although marketing today implies otherwise, the body is well-designed.

Assuming Evolution Makes Scientists Lazy

Scientist: Don't just say "it evolved." Go to the lab and figure it out.

Earth Is Designed to Clean Itself

Do these processes look like the result of chance mistakes?

ENST: Mars Archaeology as a New Science

Archaeology on Mars? Yes; this article explains how.

Archive: Mutations, Dinosaurs, Water Lilies, Birds, Compound Eyes, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in late January 2002, restored from archives.

Dinosaur Original Collagen Confirmed

Three methods have confirmed the presence of intact collagen fragments in a dinosaur hip bone.

Hallucinating Darwinians Are a Disgrace to Science

Evolutionists keep making up silly stories. Time to say, "You're fired!"