Baby Frozen Mammoth Found Intact
The BBC News has a picture of a baby frozen mammoth that was found intact in northwest Siberia. The article says it is one of the best-preserved frozen mammoths ever found, complete with eyes, fur, and trunk. One investigator said, “In terms of its state of preservation, this is the world’s most valuable discovery” of a mammoth.
“It was discovered by a reindeer herder in May this year,” the article said. “Yuri Khudi stumbled across the carcass near the Yuribei River, in Russia’s Yamal-Nenets autonomous district.” The carcass has been sent to Japan for detailed study.
Some are wondering if this specimen will allow the extraction of DNA for resurrecting the great beasts that died out thousands of years ago. The number of carcasses out there must be great, because “scientifically valuable Siberian mammoth specimens were being lost to a lucrative trade in ivory, skin, hair and other body parts.” Investigators are worried that “more carcasses could be falling into the hands of dealers than are finding their way to scientists.” There are even fossil marketing websites that advertise mammoth parts for sale.
How did this mammoth die? The article speculates, “What caused their widespread disappearance at the end of the last Ice Age remains unclear; but climate change, overkill by human hunters, or a combination of both could have been to blame.” MSNBC posted a picture and video of the specimen surrounded by eager scientists.
Two unlikely possibilities do not add up to a likely possibility. Would climate change freeze a baby mammoth on the spot? The herds would have migrated out of the area unless something very sudden and spectacular happened. Neither would thousands of mammoths have frozen if hunters left them for dead. No; the widespread distribution of these mammoths frozen so completely that eyeballs, fur and stomach contents are often preserved are a silent testimony to a global, catastrophic event. Mammoth remains have been found from Alaska clear across northern Russia.
Creationists, without the blinders of evolutionary geology hindering their view, have thought about the connection of these frozen mammoths to a worldwide flood. One detailed and compelling analysis was done by Dr. Walter Brown at the Center for Scientific Creation. Copiously illustrated and referenced, it makes for a good read and think.