Greenland Was Forest Green
Greenland once had boreal forests like those in Sweden, reported Science Daily. Researchers analyzed the mud under 2 km of ice and found DNA from yew, alder, pine, grain, butterflies, moths, flies and beetles. According to the article, “the research is painting a picture which is overturning all previous assumptions about biological life and the climate in Greenland.” The diversity of the forest suggests summer temperatures of 50° F. See also the BBC News and National Geographic reports.
The work by Eske Willerslev and team is published in Science.1 Their dating estimate of 450,000 years based on molecular clock analysis conflicts with geologists’ date of 125,000 years ago when there was supposedly a warm interglacial period. Radioactive dating of dust trapped in the ice also supported the earlier date.
Willerslev was heralded in a Profile article in Science as “ancient DNA’s intrepid explorer.”2 Roaming through the ice fields of Greenland has partially fulfilled his childhood dream of exploring the American west with the mountain men. Andrew Curry described the hardships of the Danish climatologist’s work: “After fending off bears, surviving frostbite, and trapping furs in Siberia, Eske Willerslev turned to genetics and is now pushing the boundaries of ancient DNA research.”
National Geographic posted a story about a new ice core dug in the Antarctic said to date back 800,000 years, but no mention was made of DNA or life. Scientists have inferred from measurements of deuterium content that Earth’s temperature has fluctuated wildly at times, by as much as 27° F.
1Willerslev et al, “Ancient Biomolecules from Deep Ice Cores Reveal a Forested Southern Greenland,” Science, 6 July 2007: Vol. 317. no. 5834, pp. 111-114, DOI: 10.1126/science.1141758.
2Andrew Curry, “Ancient DNA’s Intrepid Explorer,” Science, 6 July 2007: Vol. 317. no. 5834, pp. 36-37, DOI: 10.1126/science.317.5834.36.
Ignore the dating methods, since whenever they try to get two ends to meet, it breaks in the middle. Being off by 300% tells you something about dating methods. Hasn’t Willerslev heard that the molecular clock is broken? (06/07/2005, 07/15/2005). You can’t build anything solid on ever-shifting Darwin quicksand.
Notice how global warming was not caused by humans even with their own evidence and reasoning. That did not stop Nature and Science from publishing more scare hype about human-caused global warming this week. The method is similar to Darwinian propaganda: bash the critics and never give them the microphone.