Modern Nazi Killer Bears Darwins Standard
Another terrible school shooting imitating the Columbine rampage has occurred, this time in Finland (see CNN). Before killing eight students and himself, the 18-year-old murderer stated in a rambling note, “I am prepared to fight and die for my cause. I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection.” He called himself “a cynical existentialist, anti-human humanist, anti-social social-Darwinist, realistic idealist and god-like atheist.”
CNN, with its typical deductively-challenged propensity for the irrelevant non-sequitur, blames the gun: “Finland, which enjoys a strong tradition of hunting, has a high proportion of gun ownership, with two million firearms owned in a nation of only five million.” TV news anchors interviewed psychologists, who portrayed the killer as among those disaffected youths who feel alienated and powerless – i.e., victims, so it’s our fault. Funny; hardship didn’t seem to create psychopaths during the Depression – it made many appreciate what little they had, and work harder. At times like this, students need psychobabble like they need a hole in the head.
Why is no one pointing out the obvious fact that this killer, and the Columbine killers, saturated their minds with hate from radical rock, inspired by the purposelessness of a pointless, godless existence?I’m your nightmare coming true
I am your worst enemy…
I am unrestrained excess.His ability to buy a gun and post YouTube videos with his own videocam belies any claim he was disaffected. He had excess, he never learned restraint, and was proud of it! His problem was not self-esteem, but others-esteem and God-esteem. Darwinism glorifies self as the agent of progress. Fill a selfish, undisciplined young person’s ears with the screaming rock of pride, power, hate, death and destruction, and what do you expect?
The Darwin Party will, of course, be indignant if we associate this lone killer with their belief system, so let us humbly ask them if creationist writing is producing sociopaths like this on a regular basis. Let’s do the math. How many have been murdered by advocates of Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you compared to advocates of Survival of the fittest? Check the body count. After Columbine and Helsinki, creationists can tally up the victims of Hitler, Stalin, Mao (11/30/2005), Pol Pot, Castro and Kim Jong Il, but why go on? We already know, one death is a tragedy, 148 million is a statistic.Stalin’s goons routinely shot far more people per day than this lone murderer did. Sometimes he would give his henchmen quotas to meet. They would go out and round up innocent victims at random and shoot them in cold blood. Then, they would be very proud if they could report back to the Man of Steel, that same man who years before had torn off his seminarian robes and became an atheist after reading The Origin, that they exceeded their quota for the day.
Darwinian teachers can claim from their sanitized lecterns that evolutionary theory is not responsible for what people do, but like philosopher Greg Bahnsen warned, if the plane is going to Boston, there’s no getting off at Chicago. Evolutionists need to take their world view to its logical conclusion. Students are better at making connections than their teachers suspect.
The article mentioned that one of the killer’s favorites was the anarchistic, antichristian rock song Stray Bullet by KMFDM:I have come to rock your world
I have come to shake your faith
Anathematic Anarchist
I have come to take my place.How much are you willing to bet this killer also just adored Pearl Jam’s Do the Evolution video (08/31/2006)?
I am ahead, I am advanced
I am the first mammal to make plans, yeah
I crawled the earth, but now I’m higher
Twenty-ten, watch it go to fire
Its evolution, baby, It’s evolution, baby
Do the evolution – Come on, come on, come on!Undoubtedly the following was never found in his Favorites playlist:
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of Creation.
O my soul praise him, for He is thy health and salvation.
All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near;
Praise Him in glad adoration.