Amazing Facts An Unexpected Forest Helper: Mistletoe December 31, 2012 Long thought a tree-killing bane, parasitic mistletoe appears to do much more good than harm to a forest ecology. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Make Like a Dog, Owl, or Beetle: How Biomimetics Will Improve Our Lives November 30, 2012 The greatest breakthroughs in health and engineering may be as near as the back yard: 13 more stimulating stories from biomimetics. CONTINUE READING
Birds More Falsified Darwinian Expectations November 24, 2012 Scientists continue finding the real world to be opposite evolutionary expectations. Here are some recent examples. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Hear Whopping Case of Convergent Evolution November 15, 2012 You won't believe your ears when you hear what a team of evolutionists claims evolved by "convergent evolution." CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Jellyfish for Your Health November 12, 2012 Jellyfish have inspired a cancer cell search tool – just one of new products and services inspired by nature. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Three New Fossil Finds Challenge Evolution November 3, 2012 Three fossil discoveries challenge evolutionary dogma, and the articles admit it. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Inventions Inspired by Mother Nature's Designs November 2, 2012 Biological solutions to physical challenges are inspiring new technologies. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Butterfly Cities and Spider Optics October 22, 2012 Skycrapers of the future may shine in brilliant butterfly colors. Optical biosensors may be made from spider webs. These are just a few of the engineering marvels coming from biomimetics—the imitation of nature. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Monarch Deposed by Painted Lady October 19, 2012 Painted lady butterflies make an even more spectacular migration than the famous Monarchs, observers just found. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Lemur-fish, Vege-fang and other Fossil Follies October 4, 2012 Fossils are doing just fine, but the scientists who interpret them are having a rough week (or century). CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Animal Models for Technology October 3, 2012 Animals and microbes continue to inspire technologies that could provide better health and security. CONTINUE READING
Birds Evolution Funnies September 28, 2012 Sometimes Darwinians are funny. They take themselves so seriously, applying natural selection to everything on earth except their own seriousness. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Zoo Celebrates Bio-Inspiration August 31, 2012 The San Diego Zoo has a new Centre for Bioinspiration, promoting invention based on life's solutions to practical problems. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Unevolved Arthropods Found in Amber August 28, 2012 The new record holders look identical to those alive today. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Adaptation by Design, Not Evolution August 26, 2012 Evolution does little to explain amazing adaptations in animals and plants, but intelligent design is up to the task. CONTINUE READING