ENCODE Study Forces Evolutionists to Retract "Junk DNA" Myth

At least 80% of the human genome is functional, scientists now say, based on a genetic survey called ENCODE that may force reassessment of what a gene is.

More Reasons to Appreciate Your Body

There's more going on under your skin than you possibly realize.

Zoo Celebrates Bio-Inspiration

The San Diego Zoo has a new Centre for Bioinspiration, promoting invention based on life's solutions to practical problems.

Ingenious Ants Can't Prevent Stupid Evolution Quotes

After praising the wisdom of the ant, a science writer reveals little of his own.

Epigenetics Leads the Genetics News

More and more studies are revealing systems that regulate DNA. Here are some recent samples.

Mind Your Brain

Recent discoveries about the brain and the mind reveal the wonders inside our skulls and pose deep philosophical questions.

Brazil's Islands in the Sky Defy Evolution

Isolated table mountains with sheer cliffs in South America should be natural laboratories for evolution. Why aren't they?

Mt. St. Helens Renewal Slow, Steady

This is an eyewitness report of ecological renewal at the volcano that erupted 32 years ago.

Weightlifters No Match for Insects

For Olympic season, here are more comparisons between human and animal capabilities.

More Olympic Creatures

Plants and animals continue to amaze us with their Olympic-level abilities. New observations promote some to the award stand.

Peppered Moths Without Evolution

A new study shows that scientific research on moth camouflage does not require evolutionary theory.

Animals Win the Gold

As the Olympics begin in London, it's fun to consider how animals would compete against humans.

Body Double: Your Body as a Template for Inventors

Your body contains a lot of things engineers would like to copy, and not just at the scale of C3P0-like humanoid robots.

Ingenious Seed Bomb "Designed by Evolution"

Red hot peppers! Can evolution "design" anything, especially a chemical bomb a plant uses to be sure its seeds get spread properly?

Maple to the Rescue

The SWAT team surrounds the compound. An officer tosses a maple seed into an open window and checks the readout on his computer. The team bursts in and, surprising the terrorists, rescues the hostages safely.
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