Stampeding Dinosaur Tracks Made in Water
What were these dinosaurs running from?
Science Daily reported that dinosaur trackways in Australia, formerly presumed to have been made by a stampeding herd on land, were actually formed in water. “Queensland paleontologists have discovered that the world’s only recorded dinosaur stampede is largely made up of the tracks of swimming rather than running animals,” the article began.
Some of the tracks look like vertical impressions of toes; others are long grooves. These would fit impressions made as the dinosaurs – at least the smaller individuals – were partially buoyed up by water. Larger individuals left flat footprints as if wading up to their legs. The tracks are identified as ornithopod, ranging in size from chickens to ostriches. The tracks are found in sandstone and siltstone near Queensland and Lark Quarry.
The new interpretation changes the scenario from a stampede to a river crossing, the article said.
The question they are not asking is, How did footprints in water get preserved? Wouldn’t such vulnerable impressions get washed out quickly if made in a shallow river? Wouldn’t dinosaur tracks like this be ubiquitous around the world, if made the way these evolutionary paleontologists assume, in shallow rivers over millions of years? There should have been numerous rivers in the paths of numerous dinosaurs like this.
The dinosaurs probably knew something the scientist’s don’t: flood waters were coming, and a huge wall of sand- and silt-filled water was aimed right at them. They were running for their lives. This was a rare, catastrophic occurrence, the last thing they would have seen.
The same can be said for the fables of how every mammoth or other creature found almost perfectly intact as if flash frozen in peat bog muck. The story is always the same. The baby Mammoth was following it’s mother and got stuck in mud and died gradually from drowning as it got too weak to pull itself out. That’s why there was silt in it’s lungs. Yet they never once ask, why was it so perfectly preserved all those 100s of 1000s or millions of years ? Why so intact ? Why did no scavengers rip the body to shreds ? The logical and serious questions are never asked because dogma and ideology must be maintained. With that, all true scientific understanding and benefits of true knowledge are sacrificed in favour of other religious myths. So who really are the ones creating actual myths ?
Not sure if this adds anything, but Yahoo News had an update today. With a few interesting quotes:
“The site also has traces of dragged vegetation, consistent with a fast-flowing river,” he said.
“Based on their tracks, the swimming animals were moving downstream with the current. The tracks from similar dinosaurs also revealed that the water level changed dramatically, from as much as 15.7 inches to 6 inches (40 cm to 15 cm) high,” he said.
“The tracks came from several types of dinosaurs, ranging in size from a chicken to an emu with one oddball: a giant dinosaur that left its 23.6-inch-long (60 centimeters) footprints there.”
So recapping this scenario they give:
(1) Multiple Species which don’t normally hang out together fleeing down stream in a run for your life desparate attempt to get away from something.
(2) It became obvious that this water level changed drastically and got deeper.
(3) There were also strong indications of all manner of vegetation being dragged along also.
Works for Me!
All dinosaurs ever found died in the first days or week of the biblical flood. Save a few by ordinary happanchance the day before.
yes they drown and were covered by sediment uniquely.
Dinos are the evidence of the great flood around the world.
They are just as it would be predicted.