November 28, 2013 | David F. Coppedge

Javelin Upsets Early Man Timeline

A well-crafted spear point for a javelin is dated way too early for the current evolutionary timeline.

National Geographic announced the find in Ethiopia with a picture of a nicely carved spear point dated at 280,000 years in the evolutionary scheme.  That’s 200,000 years older than the date they were thought to first be made by modern humans.  According to the standard story, modern humans were not even around that long ago.

These javelins are some 200,000 years older than previous examples of similar weapons, suggesting that modern humans and their extinct relatives had the know-how to create these sorts of complex thrown projectiles much earlier than often thought….

The oldest artifacts at the site are roughly 279,000 years old. In comparison, the earliest known fossils of Homo sapiens, previously discovered at sites elsewhere in Ethiopia, are about 200,000 years old.

The spear point shown is not an isolated artifact.  The research team from UC Berkeley found 141 such implements.  Human ancestors of that age were only thought to be capable of thrusting and clubbing.  By analyzing cracks in the obsidian, researchers were able to infer that the spear points  were thrown at the maximum speed possible.  “Such weapons are considered signs of complex behavior and were pivotal to the spread of modern humans.”

To rescue the evolutionary story, paleoanthropologists are having to posit that “certain behavioral traits that are considered complex and mostly only the domains of anatomically modern humans—such as the capacity to make and use projectiles … had earlier roots and were present in populations ancestral to Homo sapiens.”  Yet this pushes the evolution of complex brains able to design, make, test and use these weapons effectively further back as well – leaving little more for evolution to do for nearly 300,000 years.  If these people were that smart, what kept them from getting civilized for so long?

Evolutionists are wondering who the designers were – Homo heidelbergensis, perhaps?  Onlooker John Shea suggested the technology might go even farther back.  “This is just the oldest example we have so far of this technology—it doesn’t mean that this is where it first evolved.”  There’s a conundrum: the evolution of intelligent design.

Paleoanthropology has more falsifications than you can shake a spear at.  Next they’ll be discovering the Heidelberg Man version of Shakespeare.  That will be the new script: baby pigs evolved into Hamlet.  They should be shuddering at this midsummer dream’s nightmare.  (It is midsummer in Africa, you know, but a winter’s tale up north.)  Instead, they think all’s well that ends badly, and any criticisms are much ado about nothing.  But what could be king-lear than admitting you’re wrong?  As you like it, they’d rather engage in the shaming of the true than admit their comedy of errors.  A tempest in a teapot, they respond dismissively, as if sneezing off their critics.  But to sneeze or not to sneeze, that is congestion.  Having taken our pound of flesh, measure for measure, we’ll require no further pun-itive damages.  Happy Thanksgiving, Americans!  Go comet-watching this weekend.  Is there ice on ISON?




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  • Tyler says:

    I have a 900 paged book “Forbidden Acheology” by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson that is filled archeological problems such as this. To these authors there is evidence for man doing intelligent things dating back at least to the Eocene.

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