Two Genetic Codes Are Better Than One

If a genetic language written in DNA is a problem for Darwinism, how about two languages written in the same sequence of letters?
Apollo 8 stamp

Relive the Apollo 8 Earthrise

45 years after Apollo 8's historic first, everyone can experience what it was like to see the "blue marble" rise above the limb of the moon.

Changing Stories at Saturn and Titan

News from the ringed planet and its largest moon shows scientists can't keep their stories straight when trying to keep Saturn billions of years old.

Crude Oil in One Hour, Not Millions of Years

A slurry of algae with the right heat and pressure can produce crude oil in one hour.

Engineering Designs Found Throughout the Biosphere

News from biomimetics is coming in so fast, there's only time for brief mentions in a growing list of living designs worth copying.

Hummingbird Metabolism a "Marvel of Evolutionary Engineering"

Unlike humans, hummingbirds are equally good at extracting energy from fructose as from glucose. They are marvels of evolutionary engineering. That makes perfect evolutionary sense.

New Record Structure Defies Fundamental Tenet of Modern Cosmology

A structure over twice as large as the previous record holder puts immense strain on theories of the universe.

Dinosaur Soft Tissue "Explained"

The discoverer of soft tissue in dinosaur bone now has a new explanation for its preservation – but does it really answer the obvious question?

Look Up, Look Down at Natural Design

Swimmers, flyers, and things that just sit in the sun are the envy of bioengineers.

Trillions of Helpers in Your Body and Brain

Recent discoveries in human physiology should cause us to stand in awe of the design of our earthly dwelling, especially at the scale of cells.

Bacteria Take Up Dead DNA, Scrambling Evolution

It's not just horizontal gene transfer that can obscure evolutionary history. Scientists have found bacteria recycling fragmented DNA from long-dead organisms. The impact on evolutionary theory could be substantial.

Tropical Trees Found in Antarctica

Fossilized stumps of tropical trees show that Antarctica was once forested.

Three New and Different Biomimetics Stories

There appears to be no end of ways to imitate nature's designs.

Cool Tools in your Cellular Toolkit

Biochemists can't help using familiar tools to describe what they are finding in living cells.

Vicious Crocodile Attacks Helpless Fruit

An evolutionist was surprised to find wild crocodiles eating fruit. He has a lesson for scientists.
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