Fearsome-Looking Terror Bird May Have Been Vegan

You can't judge a book by it's cover. In the same way, you can't assume a large extinct bird with a huge beak was a terror-raising predator.

Grand Canyon Demoted by New Discovery

A canyon longer than Grand Canyon has been discovered under the ice of Greenland. Scientists are surprised that it has persisted through the ice ages.

Stem Cell Science Can Proceed Ethically

With adult and induced pluripotent stem cells in abundance, it should not be necessary to destroy human embryos to understand stem cell science.

Secrets of Sight

The number of processes involved in eyesight continues to grow, adding more focus and clarity to the miracle of vision.

Discovering Mammals, Dead and Alive

Two mammal discoveries made the news this week: a cuddly one and a fossil. Do they tell evolutionary tales?

Invisible Influence of Plants Coming to Light

The air is filled with substances we barely notice – molecules produced by plants – but they have profound effects on climate and ecology.

More Reasons to Imitate Living Designs

The gold rush is on! Designs in the living world are inspiring technologies that are superior to old fashioned human ingenuity, and environmentally friendly, too.

Well, Duh; Adam and Eve Were Contemporaries

New genetic studies confirm the existence of a "Y-Chromosome Adam" and "Mitochondrial Eve" but, contrary to earlier analyses, place them in the same time frame.

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics

Epigenetics has become a hot topic in biology. There are players "above DNA"– some heritable – that may be more important than the genetic code itself.

Birds and Their Evolution (or Design)

Several recent science papers try to find evolution in bird brains, genes, and behaviors. Do they succeed?

Amazing Cures from Adult Stem Cells

Regrowing organs and other miracle cures may be coming to a hospital near you, thanks to progress with adult stem cells.

From Hunter-Gatherer to Modern Farmer

Here are some headlines concerning early man and the ongoing struggle by humans to improve life.

Remarkable Cell Processes That Keep You Alive

Within the factories of molecular machines that run living cells, including those in the human body, processes occur non-stop that are designed to meet every contingency. Here are just a few examples.

Engineers Chase Animals

Inspired by the wisdom inherent in living organisms, inventors and engineers are finding bright ideas.

Cassini Shoots "Blue Dot" of Earth

Another epic photo of Earth from space was taken on July 19 of Earth from Saturn by Cassini, and released on July 22. From Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft also portrayed Earth as a small dot.
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