Stone Tools Still Have Animal Residue
Claimed to be half a million years old, stone tools found in Israel still contain traces of animal fat and vegetable matter.
The two parts of this sentence seem incongruent: “Stone tools that are half a million years old have been unearthed in Israel — and they still have traces of elephant fat clinging to them.” Yet this is what Tia Ghose says on Live Science without blinking an eye. Would not bacteria have removed all organic material from the rocks in just decades? With all the water from rain drenching the site over 500,000 years, it seems inconceivable to claim that any organic material would remain on a rock, yet that is exactly what the science news are reporting, based on a paper in PLoS ONE.
A press release from Tel Aviv University sets the stage with a just-so story about what the hunters did to evolve themselves into toolmakers:
Some 2.5 million years ago, early humans survived on a paltry diet of plants. As the human brain expanded, however, it required more substantial nourishment — namely fat and meat — to sustain it. This drove prehistoric man, who lacked the requisite claws and sharp teeth of carnivores, to develop the skills and tools necessary to hunt animals and butcher fat and meat from large carcasses.
The reports seem more excited about finding a connection between the tools and the meat than concerned about the dates. No one seems concerned, either, that their tale requires the hunters to be smart enough to design tools, but dumb enough to go no further in their technology for a million years. “Early humans used Acheulean technology of roughly the same size and shape for more than a million years, and very similar-looking tools have been found throughout the world,” Ghose writes. In recorded history, modern humans advanced from stone tools to the Large Hadron Collider in a hundredth of that amount of time.
It’s not that these ancient people were stuck in a rut. They made several kinds of tools, and had the ability to teach others. Prof. Ran Barkai explains:
“By replicating the flint tools for a modern butchering experiment, and then comparing the replicas with their prehistoric counterparts, the researchers determined that the handaxe was prehistoric man’s sturdy “Swiss army knife,” capable of cutting and breaking down bone, tough sinew, and hide. The slimmer, more delicate scraper was used to separate fur and animal fat from muscle tissue.
“Prehistoric peoples made use of all parts of the animal,” said Prof. Barkai. “In the case of the massive elephant, for example, they would have needed to use both tools to manage such a challenging task. The knowledge of how to make these tools was precious, and must have been passed along from generation to generation, because these tools were reproduced the same way across great territorial expanses and over hundreds of thousands of years.
Once again, there is not a hint of surprise that people smart enough to do this made no progress for half a million years to a million years, even though there must have been many thousands of individuals. Didn’t one of them get a slightly bigger brain in all that time? Didn’t all that meat contribute to fitness? Didn’t anybody think about improving the tools for “hundreds of thousands of years”? Well, Barkai gave it a little thought at least. He says on Live Science:
The results may also help to explain why tools didn’t change for such a long period: They didn’t need to, Barkai said.
“These tools enabled them to survive and thrive for over 1 million years,” Barkai said. “They fit the needs of these hominins.”
Calling them “hominins” is misleading. The word was invented by evolutionary anthropologists to cover a wide variety of beings. The Australian Museum defines hominin as “the group consisting of modern humans, extinct human species and all our immediate ancestors (including members of the genera Homo, Australopithecus, Paranthropus and Ardipithecus). In other words, it includes us. To make matters worse, the earlier term hominid (which used to have the same meaning as hominin now), now means hominins + apes. But if you were to call your friend a hominid, he would probably smack you in the face—even more so if you called him an ape.
What about the organic remains? The paper in PLoS ONE states:
Both tools shows residue of adipocere (animal fat) which can be related to butchering (de-skinning) activity or hide working. On the scraper, both tissues and vegetable materials residues were found.
The figures show elephant bones found in soil at the locale with the tools. Even if the site was quickly covered, as they believe, they realize that preservation of organic residues is unusual: “such direct data related to the use of Acheulian tools is overall not common, mainly due to the level of preservation of the materials coming from such old contexts.”
If you are not shaking your head in disbelief at the credulity of these paleoanthropologists, you should be. Their moyboy timeline is written with an iron stylus on their hearts. They cannot, and will not, erase it, despite the piles of evidence we present to show it is false. Organic residues do not remain in soil for hundreds of thousands of years! You can test that at home. Put some meat in a hole and bury it. Will it be there in a year? If you smear fat on a rock, can you expect it to still remain after a decade? Bacteria, fungi and other animals make quick work of animal remains. Unless it turns to stone or mummifies, it’s not going to be there for long. The elephant bones and tools are at most a few thousand years old, probably dating from shortly after the Flood, when people were trying to start over from scratch. You don’t even have to believe Genesis to come to the conclusion that they must be far, far younger than claimed.
Their rigid old-earth ideology insulates evolutionists from falsification. Nobody can wait hundreds of thousands of years to observe something. “We don’t have a time machine,” Barkai says in the press release. But without a time machine or written testimony, he and his evolutionary accomplices can generate “scenarios” in the fantasyland of their imaginations. The lack of observability allows them to speculate with reckless abandon, fitting scattered data points into their predetermined story line, no matter how contrived. They can say the most incredible things, inventing words like “hominin” as they go, and many will fall for what they say, because they are scientists. They can weave a story that these human beings never went beyond stone tools for a million years, “because they didn’t need to”. Well, did today’s humans need to build a Large Hadron Collider or invent chicken noodle soup? What a scam! The world should be laughing at this claim, but who’s got the guts to expose it and call it what it is? It’s absurd. It’s made up. It’s stupid.
We would sure like to see one brave reporter jump ship and say, “I can’t take this any more!” but they are all so brainwashed into evolutionary scientism, it would take serious deprogramming to reach their consciences at this late stage.
What is especially pathetic is that an Israeli scientist did this in the Holy Land. His ancestors had knowledge of the true and living God, but he abandoned that testimony, choosing to walk after the imagination of his own heart, joining company with the worshipers of scientism, and whoring after the idols of Darwin-Baal. May God grant him grace to repent of his folly and turn the hearts of his duped victims back to the Lord.
One must ask how long man waited and how he survived the growth of his brain long enough to develop the tools and skills and desires to hunt meat.
Genesis 9:3 (KJV)
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
It is either we were given the skills from the beginning, or we would die waiting to figure out what we needed to support our bigger brains. Evolutionary theory is full of catch-22s like this one.
It’s getting even worse. Chinese paleoanthropologists have just discovered a 2 million years old Kindergarden playground with kids toys and they are serious. Years ago humans were said to have been around 50-60,000 years ago, then it pushed to 100,000, then 150,000 & 200,000. Your article is saying 500,000, but now we get 2 million years. As far as I can tell, they do believe humans played with dinosaurs, but they secretly want it on their timeline.
Donald, I’m not sure that link is trustworthy. I don’t see any mention of it anywhere else. There’s no mention of dinosaurs; just hominid artifacts of some type.
Okay thanks, I had seen this article on a couple of other publications or sites on the Net and I traced it back to this Chinese journal. Maybe it’s more journalist. The reference to Dinosaurs was my own sarcasm of them constantly pushing back the time clock. Eventually if they keep going, they’ll hit that mark where they insist Dinosaurs existed. That was all, sorry for not making that clearly. Chinese scientists seem more inclined to outrageous stories than others.
This was also posted in the Ancient-Origins website, whose goal on that site says their mission is to pore through the peer-reviewed literature on ancient origins. However like most journals, they take extreme liberties with the art work they select which sends louder messages than the actual text. Seriously, I cannot tell whether those are stone tools or toys as this Professor imagines.
Another post in Scientific American a few days ago also is promoting the idea of Stone Tools found in the Kenyan Rift Valley as dating 3.3 million years old. One of the commenters put it beautifully:
“We were using these techniques to make tools 3.3 million years ago. And that didn’t change until about 10-15,000 years ago. So what changed then? Well over 3 million years with almost no advancement in our technological imagination, and then suddenly we’re working metal, trading in money, writing, and teaching machines to do the thinking for us. What happened ?”