Best Posts from 2015
Here are some of the most significant articles in 2015 on Creation-Evolution Headlines, worth re-reading.
These are the 2015 stories judged most interesting by the Editor. Do you have a favorite to add? Let us know and we will add it to the list.
King Hezekiah’s Royal Seal Found in Jerusalem (Dec 3)
Massive Wall and Gate Found at Goliath’s Hometown (Aug 4)
Biblical Name Found on Pottery (June 17)
Lost Civilizations: Human History Hidden in Plain Sight (Feb 18)
Microbes Are Wired for Communication (Oct 23)
Adult Stem Cells Come of Age (Aug 22)
Tiny Organisms Control the World (July 19)
Antibiotic Resistance Is Ancient (April 18)
Dry Desert Explodes in Color (Nov 2)
Animal Engineers Teach Physics Profs a Thing or Three (Nov 19)
Animal Superheros (July 29)
Improbable Sailors: Do Animals Raft the Oceans? (April 27)
Animal Excellence Exceeds Mere Survival (April 4)
HUMAN BODY – Anatomy and Physiology
Were Our Bodies Created for Self-Repair? (Oct 30)
Skin Is Repaired by Zipper Mechanism (May 6)
Your Body: Design from Head to Toe (April 3)
Backward Wiring of Eye Retina Confirmed as Optimal (Feb 27)
Breaking: Dino Blood Is Real (Dec 1) – 1,951 shares!
Breathtaking Cretaceous Fossil Mammal Preserves Soft Tissue (Oct 15)
Experts Misled Public About Yellowstone Fossil Forests (Sept 28)
More Dino Blood Found: Evolutionists in Denial (June 9); see also June 10 follow-up article
Carbon-14 Found in Dinosaur Bone (June 18) – 2,522 shares!
How Rocks Can Look Older Than They Are (April 8)
Orbital Ice Age Theory Melts (March 23)
Balanced Rocks Challenge Dating Methods (Aug 26)
Instant Islands and Ecology (May 19)
Geologists Have Underestimated Catastrophes (April 25)
Geology Upset: Wind Carves Canyons Fast (March 19)
A Niagara-Class Waterfall in Days (Feb 11)
Heart Mountain Slide Levitated on Gas (Jan 28)
Darwin’s Tree Am-Bushed (Aug 20)
Neo-Darwinism Inadequate; Needs “Extension” and “Expansion” (Aug 7)
Darwin Plagiarized Patrick Matthew (April 26)
Convergent Evolution Widespread at All Scales in Ocean (April 23)
Two Billion Years and No Evolution (Feb 4)
Scientific Progress Is Spelled “Bio-Inspiration” (Oct 5)
Epigenome Project Finds Symphony in Cells (Feb 21)
Animals Come Pre-Equipped With Machinery (Jan 14)
Majority of Biology Teachers Hesitant About Evolution (March 10)
Bill Nye Admits to Propagating Evolution Via Emotional Stories (Jan 27)
Uncontested Consensus Is Bad for Science (Dec 21)
Science Reporters Don’t Even Try to Be Politically Neutral (Aug 16)
Science Can Dumb Down, Corrupt, and Mislead the Public for Decades (Feb 13)
Origin of Life for Dummies (Aug 1)
Origin of Life Theories Lost in Space (June 2)
More Attempts to Explain Chirality (March 17)
Chance as Evolution’s God (Feb 10)
Jesus Was Not a Product of Parthenogenesis (Aug 30)
Two Mutations Caused Black Death (July 1)
Genetic Evolution Falsified (May 22)
Antique Homo Claims Threatened by New Bones (Dec 18)
Evaluating Homo naledi (Sept 19)
Neanderthal Genes: Evolutionists Surprised at How Wrong They Were (June 24)
Want Salt on Your Ceres? (Dec 10)
Tilted Planets Throw Theories Off Kilter (Nov 30)
Cassini Plunges Through Enceladus Geyser, and Other Saturn News (Oct 29)
Pluto Shock Rebounds (Oct 13); see also embedded links to earlier entries
Moon Origin Models Require Cheating (June 1)
First Rosetta Science Results Are Surprising (Jan 26)
Astronomers Lie about Star Formation (June 20)
Plentiful Water in the Early Universe, and Other Surprises (May 14)
Blow to Supernova Nucleogenesis Theory (Jan 20)
Dark Matter Is Lost in Space (Dec 19)
Early Massive Galaxies Will Require Theory Overhaul Again (Nov 18)
Big Bang Antimatter Problem Deepens (Aug 13); See also Aug 11 entry, Cosmic Conundrums
What You’re Not Being Told About Earth’s Magnetic Field (April 18)
Double Trouble for Cosmology (Jan 24)
Lonely Billionaire Throws $100 Million at SETI (July 22)
Op-Ed: Time to Ditch Natural Selection? (Oct 3)
CRISPR Opens Pandora’s Box (June 5)
Big Science in Crisis of Trust (May 3)
How to Doubt a Consensus (March 16)
Scientific Method Evolves (March 11)
Religion vs Evolution: Which Explains Which? (Oct 11)
Did Man Create God, or Vice Versa? (Sept 6)
No Scientific Method Can Generate Integrity (July 12)
Secular Scientists Rely on Biblical Values (March 29)
The Science Axis of Evil (Dec 8)
Gender Confusion Is Not Biological (July 27)
Science Supports Biblical View of Fathers, Mothers, Kids (June 21)
Social Darwinism Is Back (Feb 10)
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We hope you have enjoyed this year of Headlines! In a few days, we continue our lively reporting and “color commentary” for the “news” year 2016.