Scientific Progress Needs Design, Not Darwin

Numerous papers advancing scientific knowledge rely on design principles, not evolutionary notions.

Titan: Planetary Scientists Invent Imaginary Histories

Getting from then to now is more poetic license than demonstrable fact.

Solar System Puzzles Needing Explanation

Here are some of the latest observations that are baffling planetary scientists.

Dino Soft Tissue Confirms Creationist Prediction

Gleanings from the original paper show discoverers excited but surprised. Creationists are excited and gratified.

More Dino Blood Found: Evolutionists in Denial

"Can soft tissue survive 75 million years?" the caption in Science Magazine reads.

Horned Dinosaurs Had Better Teeth than Mammals

Triceratops and its buddies carried around fine sets of self-sharpening steak knives (to eat plants).

What to Look for at Pluto

As New Horizons closes in on Pluto for its July 14 encounter, what questions should be asked?

Origin of Life Theories Lost in Space

Scenarios for life's origin contradict one another and compete for implausibility.

Moon Origin Models Require Cheating

You can't get Earth's moon from a planetary collision without quasi-miraculous tweaks to the models.

Gecko Gripper Picks Up Anything

The gecko gripper is just one of many exciting developments in the field of biomimetics: the imitation of nature's designs.

Bats Are Home-Run Flyers

You don't just put wings on a naked mole rat and make it fly. Bats are designed to be aero-bat-ic champions.

Mental Marvels

The "mind-body problem" is alive and well. Can these phenomena be reduced to matter in motion?

Plentiful Water in the Early Universe, and Other Surprises

Based on the following unexpected findings, secular astronomers' ignorance of reality has reached cosmic proportions.

It's Curtains for Enceladus

The geysers of Saturn's little moon are like sheets instead of jets, spelling trouble for theories of its ancient age and possible life.

Moon, Mercury, and Magnetic Fields

After the crash of MESSENGER, magnetic fields in the solar system have become a key topic for planetary science.
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