July 15, 2016 | David F. Coppedge

Early Man Foot Kicks Evolution

Fossil footprints identical to modern human prints cast serious doubt on the evolutionary timeline.

Look at the pictures in Live Science‘s article, “1.5-Million-Year-Old Footprints Reveal Human Ancestor Walked Like Us.” They look like they could have been made yesterday, if it weren’t for the fact that they were made in a place paleoanthropologists claim is long before modern humans walked the earth. Does this make any sense? Megan Gannon writes,

BM-EmperorCharlie-smIn 2009, paleontologists discovered human-like footprints near the eastern shores of Lake Turkana in Ileret, Kenya. The fossilized tracks suggested similarities to modern human feet, including an arch, a rounded heel and a big toe aligned parallel with the other toes. But at 1.5 million years old, these prints were much too old to belong to Homo sapiens, or modern humans. They were attributed to Homo erectus, an early human ancestor.

Now, researchers think they know why there were so many similarities: Homo erectus may have walked like we do today.

Ideology is driving interpretation here. There should be noticeable differences in 1.5 million years of evolutionary time, if humans were evolving from ape-like ancestors. But it gets worse. We’ve reported several times (e.g., 3/22/10) that the Laetoli footprints, said to be 3.6 million years old, are also identical to modern prints. In the evolutionary timeline, Homo erectus did not appear until 2 million years ago. To maintain the ideology, the Laetoli prints were “attributed” to Australopithecus, the genus of Lucy who was barely down from the trees.

Walking like a man takes a big brain, because upright walking involves the whole body, not just the feet (see 11/18/04). If the evolutionary story is to be believed, one has to postulate that creatures with modern human feet walked the earth for nearly 4 million years without inventing football or break dancing. That’s almost 400 times as long as all recorded human history.

Bound as they are to their evolutionary tale, the researchers had to keep the story going. But they could not deny the facts in front of their eyes.

The researchers looked at the eight best-preserved trackways from Homo erectus, as well as the footprints of modern habitually barefoot people from the nearby Daasanach group. In most cases, the scientists found that these two sets of prints were “statistically indistinguishable,” which might reflect similar foot anatomies and mechanics.

From the trackways, the evolutionary team inferred that the tracks were made by males cooperating on the hunt. By the time of Homo erectus if not before, they were using tools, migrating long distances, controlling fire, cooking food and perhaps even sailing across the water (2/18/10). Is it credible to think that none of them ever considered building a permanent shelter, planting crops or domesticating animals?

Update 7/16/16: A BBC News post about the “first farmers” claims that farming originated from two different genetic sources. “It had been widely assumed that these first farmers were from a single, genetically homogeneous population,” Dr Garrett Hellenthal (Univ. College London), co-author of a new paper in Science Magazine says. “However, we’ve found that there were deep genetic differences in these early farming populations, indicating very distinct ancestries.” Evidence of independent farming as distant as modern Jordan, Turkey and Iraq appears around the same time, 10,000 BC, at “distant ends of the Fertile Crescent.” There’s evidence for farming and ranching: growing of grains and domesticating sheep and goats “in different areas at roughly the same time.”

In addition, the population groups appear to have shared technologies and developed complex societies. Ann Gibbons in Science adds, “This shows that farming wasn’t spread initially by just one group of people, but that it was invented more than once—or was an idea that spread rapidly between groups.” This exacerbates the question of why it took so long—supposedly two million years—for anatomically similar humans to figure this out. Joachim Burger (Gutenberg University) remarks, “We have an extremely complex agricultural revolution that was created by people who were extremely diverse.” See also Science Daily that numbers the first farmers in four genetically-distinct groups who invented or adopted farming and ranching independently at about the same time. Their ability to share facets of the “farming revolution” so quickly indicates high cognitive capacity, making one wonder why it took so long in the evolutionary timeline.

We need to shame the evolutionary paleoanthropologists out of their academic robes. This is insane. Push the point! Who can possibly believe, knowing human nature, that the makers of these tracks lived for millions of years without doing anything new? We all know the human propensity for curiosity, invention, and social institutions. Humans find better ways to get things done.

Everyone would immediately recognize the folly of the timeline if it weren’t for the evolutionists’ dogged dogmatism to keep The Origin of Species as inspired scripture. As Emperor Charlie parades by in his invisible robes, they command all to bow and adore his new clothes. Be the little boy with too much common sense to know better. You know his script. Shout it! Shamelessly shame the shamans.


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