Saving Evolution with a New Narrative about Dinosaur Soft Tissue
The ability of evolutionary ‘scientists’ to distract attention from big questions and avoid the obvious has never been more evident.
The evolutionist’s response to their most radical challenge in the last two decades (6/09/15) seems to be, “When fossils give you blood, make lemonade.” Look how a site called ‘Experimental Biology 2017’ is responding to the challenge of dinosaur soft tissue, according to Science Daily:
Researchers recently confirmed it is possible to extract proteins from 80-million-year-old dinosaur bones. The discovery sparks hopes for new insights about evolution and environmental change and could even offer useful clues for drug discovery or the search for extraterrestrial life.
Let’s be clear. Dinosaur soft tissue is a challenge to millions of years (1/31/17). It has nothing to do with:
- Insights about evolution (other than falsification)
- Environmental change (other than a worldwide Flood, possibly)
- Drug discovery (scientists can use ostriches for that)
- SETI (no dinosaurs have been found in space)
…have demonstrated repeatedly that proteins can be extracted from dino bones…
According to the article, Mary Schweitzer, the discoverer of numerous cases of dinosaur soft tissue including stretchy blood vessels, is in on the revised narrative. She was to be presenting her findings on dinosaur soft tissue to the annual meeting of the American Association of Anatomists at an event for the Experimental Biology 2017 in Chicago this week. But instead of the society expressing shame and dismay at an onslaught of falsification charges coming from creationists about long-age beliefs, they are passing out rotten blood lemonade:
“We have transparent, flexible, hollow polymers that have lasted for 80 million years,” Schweitzer pointed out. “Someone surely can find a use for that!“
One good use would be to ditch millions of years, and admit these specimens are not as old as claimed.
On the positive side, Schweitzer is working on better methods to discover soft tissue in the fossils:
Now that she and her colleagues have demonstrated repeatedly that proteins can be extracted from dino bones, Schweitzer is focusing on new research directions. First, she is turning her attention toward refining methods for studying these ancient proteins so that paleontologists can get more information with less damage to specimens. Mass spectrometry, central to her team’s current methods, is time-intensive and necessarily destroys the sample, so Schweitzer’s team is working to build a database of methods and criteria that other researchers might employ to get as much information as they can from other fossils and optimize the use of mass spectrometry when it is truly worthwhile. She also is working on ways to broaden the search for proteins to different dinosaur tissues, specimens and environments.
Everyone can benefit from more data. Creationists might use the information to make inferences about antediluvian environments. Evolutionists who believe in millions of years, however, need to remember that nobody in secular science expected proteins to last for a few hundred thousand years, let alone tens of millions.
I find it amazing that nobody is asking, “How can DNA last so long?” You know scientists are thinking it. Not a single molecular biologist is willing to peek at the known entropy rates?
It is amazing! “Scientists” will discredit their own “science” (observable DNA degradation rates) when it serves their evolutionary purposes. Do they not understand, that if they can “willy-nilly” throw out one process without any reproducible evidence that they are doing away with the very science they seem to uphold. Anything is a candidate for denial if it disagrees with their “science”. “Science” becomes self-refuting.