Plants Use Elaborate Email System

If email is a system for delivering two-way coded messages across a distance, plants had it long before humans thought of it.

Cassini Continues to Unveil Youth at Saturn

Reports from Cassini's last days, even up to its last gasps as it plunged into Saturn on September 15, are not supporting long ages.

Fossil Bird Oil Stuns Scientists

A gland that birds use for preening, including the fatty oil, has been found in a fossil. Could it really be 48 million years old? Yesterday, we reported a soft tissue find in a turtle fossil said to be 54 million years old. Within hours, another story appeared about soft tissue from a bird fossil […]

Original Proteins Found in Fossil Sea Turtle

The fossil of a sea turtle said to be 54 million years old still has original proteins of pigment and muscle.

Cell Repair Requirement Demolishes Origin-of-Life Speculation

A biology professor who came out of a Darwinian communist country explodes origin-of-life speculation with real world facts about genetic repair mechanisms.

Is This Salamander Really 40 Million Years Old?

40-35 million year old salamander looks just like a present-day salamander.

Rocket Scientist Recalls Sputnik 60 Years Ago

Dr Henry Richter, a writer for CEH and NASA VIP, shares his recollections of the space race that began in earnest with Sputnik 60 years ago.

Fossil Food Finds Change Evolutionary Stories

Four fossils give indications of what extinct animals ate. The results challenge what evolutionists thought about their complexity.

Science Fail: Shaky Assumptions Topple Long-Held Notions

Science is supposed to be self-correcting, we're told. But when towers of belief are built on assumptions later shown to be false, the consequences can be monumental.

A 300 Million-Year-Old Fully Modern Beetle Causes Astonishment

The problem Darwinists have is, what is a modern beetle doing in the same geological strata with ancient extinct beetles?

Cells Teach Humans About Design

Biomimetics extends to the cellular level, where extraordinary processes show engineers the right way to do things.

Plants Teach Humans About Design

Plants, too, come loaded with graduate-level information they communicate to anyone willing to observe.

Animals Teach Humans About Design

They may not be able to talk, but living things communicate graduate level information about physics, chemistry and intelligent design.

More Things You Didn’t Know About Your Body

You can live in it without knowing much about it, but these facts should add to your sense of awe.

Manipulating Fossils to Fit Evolution

No matter how unusual a fossil appears, evolutionists will find a way to fit it into their favorite Darwin narrative, or else will ignore the non-Darwinian implications.
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