Darwinists Invite Laughter

Since laughter is a product of natural selection for fitness, according to Darwinists, let's try it out on them.

Egg-Shape Evolution Theory Cracks Under Pressure

Touted as an evolutionary explanation for bird egg shapes, a new hypothesis celebrating natural selection falls like Humpty Dumpty under a gentle breeze of questioning.

Fake Evolution Is Not Evidence

The media have a bad habit of calling things 'evolution' that fail to support the notion that people have bacteria ancestors.

A Bird, a Mushroom, and a Fly Fossilized Fast

Exceptional preservation of soft tissues required rapid fossilization. Did they really die a hundred million years ago?

Darwin Party’s Hot Air Machine Never Stops

Do Darwinians ever tire of dishing out vacuous, airy stories about things? Never; with creationists grabbing headlines, they just turn up the heat.

How Flamingos Stand on One Foot

Mysteries of the universe unfold: how can flamingos sleep while standing on one foot? And why is it good to know?

Whale of a Tail Tale

Armed with a license for just-so storytelling, evolutionists can explain anything – even opposites.

Living Birds Recapitulate Their Hopping Dino Ancestors

Can a hopping parrot tell you what life used to be like as a dinosaur?

Pin the Feather on the Dinosaur

Careless artists and reporters have put imaginary feathers on a one-ton dinosaur that couldn't fly.

Weekend Digest, May 6, 2017

Here's a collection of quick takes on interesting developments in the science news, from Saturn to a possible cure for malaria; from your liver to Sunday funnies.

Small Wonders: Arthropods With Superpowers

Robot designers know that making things big is easy, but making them small is hard. How do you pack a multitude of capabilities in a tiny space? Consider these little guys.

Biological Designs Worth Imitating

If these designs are so good that intelligent minds want to mimic them, who can believe they emerged by chance?

Pretending Intelligent Design Is Like Evolution

Imprecise language confuses the evolution issue, making it seem like goal-directed activity of intelligent minds mimics Darwinism.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part Two

When it comes to evolution, fallacious reasoning spreads far and wide through Big Science and Big Media.

The Great Dinosaur Mix-up

Evolutionists seem to enjoy rearranging branches on the Darwin tree, not to find the truth, but to fool the public into thinking they're getting warmer.
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