Habitability Requires the Right Kind of Star

This is a continuation of my discussion on the requirements to allow life to exist on a planet elsewhere in the universe.

Explorer 1 Pioneer Corrects Mistakes in Article

Dr Henry Richter, instrument manager for the Explorer 1 mission (1958), corrects some mistakes about the mission in an article published at

Surprising Fossils Upset Evolutionary Expectations

Here are some notable fossil finds that tell stories, not necessarily the Darwin kind.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets

by Dr Henry Richter For a number of years I have been amused to watch many in the scientific community conduct a frantic campaign to identify life elsewhere in the universe. There has been a plethora of articles and significant dollars dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, particularly intelligent life. In recent times several […]

Pinpoint Navigation and Propulsion in a Seemingly Random Soup

Non-coding sequences of DNA, sometimes considered genetic junk, may actually function to help navigate proteins to their target genes.

Earth’s Magnetic Field Protects Us from Solar Sneezes

By capturing solar 'sneezes' of high-energy charged particles, the Van Allen Belts provide a prime example of how the earth and its space environment are designed to allow and protect life.

The Fossils that Didn’t Evolve

Here's an assortment of newly-discovered fossils that challenge Darwinian evolution.

The Habitability Habit: Exaggerating Earth-Likeness

Secularists put too much hope on some aspects of Earth-like exoplanets, but sometimes reality keeps their imaginations in check.

Classical Creation Physicists Still Make News

They lived before relativity and quantum mechanics, but their insights continue to stimulate productive research in 21st-century physics.

Evolutionists Are Speechless About the Origin of Language

It's perhaps the most obvious distinctive trait of humans. Where did language come from, with all its diversity?

Science Says Mosquitoes Cannot Fly But Recently Found Out How They Do

Scientists solved the mystery of mosquito flight by using both super high-speed cameras and computer analysis.

Privileged Planet Confirmed!

All of the evidence we have now is that we live on a rare planet that is specially designed for intelligent life.

Bombs Unearth Assyrian Palace

Announced at the end of February, this story bears repeating for students of Old Testament history.

Solar Eclipses: Design or Coincidence?

This is a rebuttal to Live Science's article, "Why Total Solar Eclipses Are Total Coincidences," so that readers can make up their own minds.

Life Helps Protect the Planet

When humans make a mess of things, our fellow organisms try to help. That's no excuse for our failures to be good stewards.
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