Ten Evidences at Grand Canyon for a Global Flood

Geologist Bill Hoesch summarizes powerful geological evidences that support the Genesis account of a global flood.

Juno Finds a ‘Whole New Jupiter’

Paradigms are collapsing as the Juno spacecraft gets a good look at the giant planet's poles for

Sperm Tail is Far More Complex than Thought

New research has discovered that the mechanism of motion in sperm tails requires signaling, transmission and highly-ordered elasto-hydrodynamic material.

Sea Sponge Makes Flexible Glass

How do you make glass that bends without breaking? Learn from a lowly sponge. Then look around for other ideas.

Antibiotic Resistance Didn’t Evolve; It Was Borrowed

A key 'proof' of evolution in action falls as scientists discover that pathogens don't invent resistance genes; they share them.

A Bird, a Mushroom, and a Fly Fossilized Fast

Exceptional preservation of soft tissues required rapid fossilization. Did they really die a hundred million years ago?

Dog Breeding: Exploring the Limits of Change

A new survey of over 160 dog breeds yields surprises about their genetic histories.

Illustra Launches New Website with Free Videos

Now that DVDs are disappearing, Illustra Media has decided to put most of its high quality material online without cost, supported by donations and subscriptions.

What’s Up with Stem Cells?

Stem cells were a huge issue a few years ago, but discoveries are still being made. Here's a wrap on stories in the news.

How Flamingos Stand on One Foot

Mysteries of the universe unfold: how can flamingos sleep while standing on one foot? And why is it good to know?

Microbes Talk More than People Do

Microbial communication requires an interface, providing an example of how intelligent design explains what evolutionary theory misses.

Cassini Diving Through Saturn’s Young Rings

There's a gap between the D ring and the planet that is empty enough to allow the spacecraft to pass through, taking incredible pictures and data.

Homo naledi Is Young

The media are abuzz with disappointment that this cache of bones in South Africa is too young to be a missing link. Homo naledi is one of the most astonishing “hominin” fossil finds in recent years, on par with the “hobbits” (Homo floresiensis) of Indonesia. Debates have gone wild since Lee Berger announced hundreds of […]

Surprise: Men and Women Greatly Differ Genetically

New research results strongly go against the current politically correct view that the only differences between males and females are a few minor plumbing variations and a couple of small hormones.

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