Saturn's moon Enceladus with "Tiger Stripes" fissures where geysers erupt

Enceladus Pumps Imagination into the Vacuum

NASA astrobiologists abandon scientific restraint in a naked push to titillate taxpayers for another vain quest to find life beyond Earth.

Scientism on Plagues, or Vice Versa

Can the 10 plagues in Exodus be explained by science? Only through the plague of scientism, which is plagued itself by its own miracles.

OOL Foolishness Is Out of Control

Most scientists working on origin of life (OOL) have lost all semblance of respect for empiricism.

Evolutionists Rattled Over Battle for Earliest Animal

If the latest salvo in a long-standing Darwin debate hits, then the idea of evolution growing more complex with time suffers a big blow.

Illogic Is Rife in Science Media

A simple exercise shows that what materialists are telling us cannot possibly be true. So why do reporters give them any mind?

OOL’s Gold and Animism

What is the spark that turns molecules into life? For the materialist, it's the spirit of imagination.

Is Science Special?

Scientists are gathering this month to march – for what? How different is Big Science from any other special interest group making demands on the government?

Secular Scientists Prefer Humans Extinct

At a recent panel, scientists doubted whether it would be a good idea to revive the human species if it went extinct.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part Three

It's hard to know where to stop with examples of Darwinian nonsense. For evolutionists, it's like April Fool every day. These are just some of the recent examples.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part Two

When it comes to evolution, fallacious reasoning spreads far and wide through Big Science and Big Media.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part One

You can't say something "evolved to" do something useful. That's a profound misunderstanding of Darwinism. Evolutionists keep saying it anyway.

Small Planetary Bodies Unexpectedly Active

You would think things would have cooled down after 4.5 billion years. That's not what planetary scientists are observing.

The Great Dinosaur Mix-up

Evolutionists seem to enjoy rearranging branches on the Darwin tree, not to find the truth, but to fool the public into thinking they're getting warmer.

More Soft Tissue Found in Cretaceous Fossil Bird

Unrepentant over extreme falsification, evolutionary paleontologists are just taking it for granted that soft tissue can survive millions of years.

The Lone Ranger vs the Big Science Consensus

National Geographic retells the lonely battle of J Harlen Bretz against the scientific establishment, and what made them so pig-headed.
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