Human Body Human Body Curiosities February 20, 2017 Things you didn't know about your ambulatory vessel, and things you may have wondered about. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossils Too Detailed to Be Old February 17, 2017 When you see exceptional preservation like this, is it credible to assume these animals lived as long ago as Darwinians claim they did? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Ancient Greek Religious Art Depicted Eden and the First Couple February 15, 2017 Excerpts from the new book Genesis Characters and Events in Ancient Greek Art, by Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Stem Cell Digest February 10, 2017 Scan these headlines for news about stem cells: the unethical kind (embryonic, ESC) and the ethical kind (adult, induced pluripotent, iPSC). CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Crazy Convergences Distort Darwinism February 9, 2017 Get a load of this: Darwinians claim that complex features arose independently multiple times by an unknown process called "convergent evolution." CONTINUE READING
Solar System Mars Madness Hits February 7, 2017 The Curiosity rover is sending back photos of things mission scientists are struggling to understand. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain The Mind Is Free When the Body Is Locked-In February 5, 2017 Four ALS patients unable to move at all learned to communicate with their thoughts. Despite their condition, they all said they were happy. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Best Images of Saturn's Rings Obtained February 1, 2017 As Cassini begins climbing into high orbits over Saturn, it's starting to get amazing images looking down on the rings in unprecedented detail. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Oldest Dinosaur Blood Reported January 31, 2017 Another university finds dinosaur blood in a rib bone. This one breaks records for age, over double previous reports. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs No Doubts Left: It's Dinosaur Protein January 29, 2017 Mary Schweitzer's team reports the most rigorous techniques yet to certify collagen in dinosaur bone. But will evolutionists finally give up their beloved millions of years? CONTINUE READING
Human Body Learn Your Body Toolkit January 25, 2017 Here are some tricks of living in a human body that you may not know about, because they happen automatically. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Evolution Deniers of the Non-Human Kind January 24, 2017 Here are some fun animals and plants worth knowing about, not only for what they do, but for the pained expression they give Darwinians. CONTINUE READING
Education Darwinism Still Corrupts Culture January 22, 2017 The bad fruits of Social Darwinism are well known. Less well known are ongoing negative influences of modern Darwinian ideas on human behavior. CONTINUE READING
Birds Fast Flight Specializations in Birds and Bats January 20, 2017 When you are moving rapidly, you need to see things differently. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods "Extraordinary" Radiocarbon Anomaly Found in Tree Rings January 19, 2017 A tree ring sample from a bristlecone pine reveals something weird happened to the sun around 5480 BC. CONTINUE READING