New Book Unmasks Darwinist Censors
Book reveals shocking accounts of harm done to Darwin skeptics by intolerant Darwinist bigots in positions of power in today’s institutions of science and media.
by Dr. Jerry Bergman and David Coppedge
This book on censorship has been over 35 years in the making, and documents in detail a history of censorship of what we call ‘Darwin doubters’ or ‘Darwin skeptics.’ They can be found dating back to 1859, Charles Darwin’s own day. The title introduces the focus of the book, namely Censoring the Darwin Skeptics: How Belief in Evolution is Enforced by Eliminating Dissidents.
In science, if one has the evidence, one presents it. If not, a very anti-scientific approach is to suppress those who disagree. Students are often given triumphant statements like, “More evidence exists to support evolution than the round earth,” or “Evolution is a fact, like gravity.” The evidence, much to the contrary of these assertions, may surprise many.
Actually, the main arguments for Darwinism have been undermined for many decades, but this fact has not often made it into mainstream science and the public secular media. A major reason is censorship of contrary views. Powerful leaders in the institutions of science, education, law, and the media have no tolerance for Darwin doubters, and have been spectacularly successful at censoring them in recent years. That’s the focus of this 564-page book. It carefully documents case studies, backed up by 1,256 footnotes to public documents, court records, interviews with those involved, and media reports. The book also includes an index and three detailed appendixes.
The book covers a wide variety of censorship types. These include:
- Altering books or preventing publication
- Censoring journal articles through anonymous peer review
- Whitewashing science articles of challenges to Darwinism
- Library censorship: keeping books critical of Darwinism off shelves
- Bookstore censorship, like putting intelligent design books in the “religion” section or refusing to sell them
- Denial of grants to Darwin-doubting scientists
- Altering research results that would cast doubt on evolution
- Bleaching internet pages of recognition for those who turn against Darwinism, as in the Bechly case
One of the most serious forms of censorship—also covered in volumes one and two of this series—is censorship in academia in hiring, tenure and promotion.

Book includes the Coppedge vs JPL case (ch. 17).
Bergman also documents the fact that some evolutionists openly urge censorship, even down to the level of prohibiting verbiage that might imply design and purpose in the natural world. Specific case histories of blatant censorship include those of Granville Sewell, Richard Sternberg, Forrest Mims, David Coppedge, and most recently, the shameful treatment of Professor Günter Bechly. The book also covers censorship leveled against the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) and Columbia Pacific University. All of the cases are well-documented and peer reviewed.
How do Darwinians react to the charge of censorship? The two most common responses are, (1) It is not happening, and, (2) It is happening and should be happening!— even though if any field should thrive on open debate, it should be science. Many references to scientists and others are included that openly encourage the kind of censorship this book documents. That is not science. That is totalitarianism.
Is Censorship Justified on the Grounds that Evolution Is True?
The common claim that ‘Darwinism is a fact’ was also briefly reviewed in the book. Here’s a sample.
A. N. Wilson, former professor at Oxford, is a highly acclaimed biographer. His more well-known work includes a pamphlet titled Against Religion, biographies of Jesus and St. Paul, and a history of atheism in the 19th century titled God’s Funeral. Five years ago he decided to tackle Charles Darwin. His conclusions were unexpected, both to others and, most surprising, to himself. He titled the book Charles Darwin: Victorian Mythmaker. The book description at says,
In this beautifully written, deeply erudite portrait, Wilson argues that Darwin was not an original scientific thinker, but a ruthless and determined self-promoter who did not credit the many great sages whose ideas he advanced in his book. Furthermore, Wilson contends that religion and Darwinism have much more in common than it would seem, for the acceptance of Darwin’s theory involves a pretty significant leap of faith.
If Wilson had remained a doctrinaire evolutionist, the critics no doubt would have raved about this original, well-researched book which they are now attempting to censor. What makes the book so significant is that Wilson actually started as a Darwin believer until he did the research for his book that was just published late in 2017. He was not attempting to glorify Darwin—as many biographers do—but included both sides of the famous naturalist, his good points as well as his warts. Wilson’s meticulous documentation (almost 50 pages, from page 373 to page 422) and hundreds of footnotes from original sources show he has done his homework.
In Wilson’s prelude he said “Darwin was wrong. That was the unlooked-for conclusion to which I was inexorably led to while writing this book.” He added this conclusion “certainly was not my intention when I began detailed reading for this book” but the result of his historical research was
to part company from the mainstream of scientific opinion which still claims to believe, and in some senses does believe, the central contentions of Darwin’s famous book, On the Origin of Species.
Wilson’s conclusion was based partly on the fact that “there is no consensus among scientists about the theory of evolution,” even the central parts of the theory (p. 3). He added that, until he began his research he had assumed “scientific opinion accepted the truth of Darwin’s central theories, and that objections to it were motivated not by scientific doubts but … mostly likely religious ones.” (p. 3). This cannot be alleged against a biographer like Wilson, who began his work as a believer in Darwinism.
Darwin was wrong. That was the unlooked-for conclusion to which I was inexorably led to while writing this book. —A. N. Wilson
One reason why Wilson’s conclusions are not more widely known is because of the very censorship that Bergman documents in this third volume of the series. If you are not convinced that this is a problem, do not judge Censoring the Darwin Skeptics until you have read it. The book’s 600 pages and nearly 1,000 footnotes provide ample evidence (as if the book’s two predecessors were not enough).
It is hoped these books will urge citizens to cry, “Stop the censorship!” and demand a return to the kind of science that embraces rational debate about the evidence.
Censoring the Darwin Skeptics is Volume III in the Slaughter of the Dissidents series by Dr Jerry Bergman.
About the author
Dr. Bergman has taught biology, biochemistry, anatomy and genetics as well as psychology and other courses for over 40 years at the University of Toledo Medical College, Bowling Green State University, The University of Toledo and other colleges. He has 9 degrees, including a Doctorate from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. The 1,026 college credit hours he has earned is the equivalent to almost 20 master’s degrees. According to the website The 10 Most Educated People on the Planet, Bergman would fit in the list ahead of several other people. Assuming the accuracy of the list, he thus appears to be one of the most formally educated persons in the world. His over 1,300 publications are in both scholarly and popular science journals. Dr. Bergman’s work has been translated into 13 languages including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Polish, Czech, Chinese, Arabic, and Swedish. His books and, or books that include chapters that he authored, are in over 1,500 college libraries in 27 countries. So far over 80,000 copies of the 43 books and monographs that he has authored or co-authored are in print.
See Dr. Jerry Bergman’s Author Profile with list of his previous articles on CEH.