Why Question an Old Earth?
An apologetics website has listed 21 reasons for believing the earth is much younger than secular scientists claim.
At Apologetics Press, Jeff Miller, PhD, wrote an article called “21 Reasons to Believe the Earth is Young.” With sections about paleontology, geology and astronomy, Dr Miller provides food for thought who have always been taught that the earth and the universe are billions of years old. Often, that dogma is a primary reason that young people lose their faith in the Bible. But they never hear about the many evidences for youth. This is a handy list to consider and share.
Thanks to our readers for the week-long Christmas break. Before news from 2019 rolls down the pipeline, we like to information that gives reasons to trust the Word of God in an age where science seems to make faith unnecessary. It actually takes more faith to believe the Word of Scientists!
We also thank our supporters for year-end donations. These encourage our efforts to get true science to the masses against the overwhelming forces that censor all mention of design. May you have a happy year in 2019.
Note: Linking to an article does not necessarily imply agreement with all of a ministry’s positions.