False-color image of Pluto from New Horizons, July 24, 2015

What’s Pluto Been Dune? Making Young Sand Dunes

Sand dunes were surprising enough on Titan, but et tu, Pluto? and young, recent dunes? Scientists couldn't believe their eyes.

Radiocarbon Dating Is Not Globally Uniform

Adjustment required for dates in the Levant could undermine published results by decades and impact debates about Biblical chronology.

First Lizard Was 100% Lizard

Evolutionists celebrate the earliest fossil lizard, but have to push back the origin of lizards by 75 million years.

Origin of Life: A Field of Ignorance

The origin of life field is characterized by speculation about dumb molecules that could not possibly have organized themselves into living beings.

Earth Is a Safe Haven

Recent news articles show how mechanisms protect earth's inhabitants from a hail of bullets overhead.

Brain of Homo Naledi Estimated

The intriguing hominid fossils from a South African cave make news again. This time, the discoverer and a team of anthropologists learn more about the brains of these creatures. Were they people? In 2013, the world was shocked to hear of bones of Homo deep within the Rising Star Cave system in South Africa. Bones […]

Europa May Be Another Geyser Moon

A re-assessment of data from the Galileo spacecraft appears to confirm suspected eruptions from the surface of Europa, Jupiter's icy moon.

Amber Fossils Do Not Accurately Record Animal Diversity

A survey of arthropods trapped in tree sap shows that the unlucky ones do not represent an accurate cross section of the community.

Concretions Can Form Rapidly

The spherical inclusions inside geological layers do not take millions of years to form, Japanese scientists say. Concretions are eye-catching. Varying in size from peas to cannonballs, the almost perfectly spherical balls that erode out of geological layers seem almost too perfect to be natural. Science Daily indicates that scientists, not only laypersons, are mystified […]

Snowball Earth Theory Not Set in Stone

Give an idea a name, and it can assume a reality in the imagination, even if there’s no evidence for it. Tae Hamm, writing for Glacier Hub, asks, “Was the Earth ever frozen solid?” Hamm, a student in climate science at Columbia University, reveals that a popular theory for the early earth before the explosion […]

Mars Is Not a “Life-Friendly” Star Wars Planet

The new Mars InSight lander that launched this morning will be digging for geology, not life. Most likely, as before, it will find lifeless dirt and rock.

After Cassini, Titan Still a Problem for Long Ages

The scientist who predicted a global ocean on Titan 35 years ago is still baffled over why Cassini did not find it.

Did Earth Get Its Water from Meteor Squirt Guns?

You can't just fire bullets at pumice and claim that Earth got its oceans that way.

Misreading Evidence for Early Man

Paleoanthropology has a long history of misinterpreting evidence and committing spectacular blunders. Are we seeing more examples right now?

More Reasons to Doubt Scientific Omniscience

We hear it all the time; 99% of scientists agree. All it takes, though, is one overlooked fact to tumble a consensus.
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