The Mind-Body Problem Has Not Been Solved by Naturalism

Several news stories bring back the issue of mind-body dualism with a vengeance.

Media Give Absurdity a Pass If It Is Materialistic

It's amazing what you can get away with saying as long as you pledge allegiance to Charles Darwin's impersonal, unguided worldview.

Humans Are Exceptional at Birth – and Before

More studies show humanness from the start of life.

Spiritual Benefits of Physical Fitness

Some Christians look down on exercise as a carnal thing that profits little. Can physical fitness affect the spiritual life?

Is the Y Chromosome Disappearing?

Some evolutionists claim that the Y chromosome of human males is shrinking and will disappear. Is this true? On what evidence do they make this claim?

Neanderthal Art Found: Last Barrier to Full Human Status Falls

They were strong, skilled hunters, with large brains. They interbred with 'modern humans.' But they have always been disparaged because they left no art. Till now.

Can There Be a Science of Near-Death Experiences?

A science paper catalogs near-death experiences. But can science boldly go where no one has ever gone before?

The Evolution of the Darwin Fish

The Darwin Fish scientific method: Draw a fish. Draw legs on it to mock Christians who use it as a symbol. Then furiously hunt for evidence that a fish with feet existed.

Early Humans Have Always Been Smart

Evolutionists trying to portray 'primitive' humans as evolving 'hominids' beneath our intellectual abilities keep running afoul of new discoveries.

Evolution as Evil Illusion: How Darwinism Destroys Human Dignity with Illogic

With dispassionate nonchalance, Darwinists continue to describe us as glorified apes, and justify every vice. The consequences are not only disastrous, but illogical.

Space Entropy: The SpaceX Stunt as an Argument Against UFOs

A cosmic shooting gallery in space will make quick work of the racing car Elon Musk launched into space. Hint: it won't evolve into a Ferrari.

Secularists Treat Abortion Like a Religious Ritual

How can Big Science and the secular materialists who bow before their science altar be so in love with death? It makes no sense.

What Your Body Needs

Most of us know some basic things our bodies need, but it's unlikely many people have heard of some of these requirements.

The Nature Effect: Observations Show the Benefits of Outdoor Education

In a world of eyes stuck to screens, some sage old advice is becoming trendy again: get out and smell the roses. We reported recently that discipline problems dropped significantly when prisoners were shown nature videos. Now, a study shows that young school children learn better outside. Teachers need no longer fear that going outside […]

Windows Into the Brain’s Operating System

The soft squishy lump in your skull has capabilities that defy understanding, but some of them seem vaguely familiar.
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