January 18, 2019 | David F. Coppedge

Saturn’s Rings Not Just Young, but “Very Young”

Cassini scientists now have reduced the rings’ age by an order of magnitude, as if they formed practically “yesterday.”

New estimates of the mass of Saturn’s rings, taken during its “Grand Finale” orbits, have allowed Cassini scientists to estimate the lifetime of the rings. A JPL press release now puts it at between 100 million years and 10 million years, implying (to them), “Saturn’s rings may have formed during the age of dinosaurs.” The BBC News quotes Luciano Iess, Cassini scientist from Rome, calling this like “yesterday” compared to the assumed age of Saturn (4.5 billion years). “Saturn’s Rings Are Very Young,” the headline by Jonathan Amos states.

Science Daily explains why the new measurements of the rings’ mass lead to this conclusion.

That estimate — about 40 percent of the mass of Saturn’s moon Mimas, which itself is 2,000 times smaller than Earth’s moon — tells them that the rings are relatively recent, having originated less than 100 million years ago and perhaps as recently as 10 million years ago.

To appreciate the astonishment of these figures, one must understand that 100 million years is 1/45th the assumed age of the solar system, and 10 million years is 1/450th the assumed age. If you stretched out a rope 45 feet long representing 4.5 billion years, the upper estimate would be one foot at the near end of the rope, and the lower estimate a tenth of a foot – 1.2 inches! What was going on the rest of the time indicated by that rope? Did it even exist? What happened just “yesterday” that we see these beautiful rings in all their glory, especially when they would disappear just as fast? At max, that lifetime of the rings would be represented by just five feet on our rope, out of 45 feet.

It’s not that scientists are unable to concoct scenarios that could form the rings recently. Evolutionists, we know, are highly experienced storytellers. Dr Iess and team suggest a comet or moon disintegrated and became the rings, which seems highly improbable to have occurred so recently, lucky for us. The point is that that the evidence requires an improbable scenario to support a dogma.

Cassini scientists, all of them moyboys, would prefer old rings for philosophical reasons. They don’t want to think of human beings being special, coincidentally living at a rare epoch when the rings exist to be observed and studied. But there are reasons to prefer the younger estimate of 10 million years, which would aggravate the problem further, putting the rings on their evolutionary timeline at the age of the great apes just before they evolved into humans. The reason? Saturn has age problems of its own (20 Dec 2018), and some of its moons, including Enceladus, Titan, Dione and Iapetus, are young, too!

Young Titan

Cassini scientists now claim to have evidence for rain on Titan. A new paper in Geophysical Research Letters interprets observations of bright patches near Titan’s north pole to be specular reflections, the “wet sidewalk effect” like when you see a fuzzy sun reflected on wet pavement at certain angles. This implies a smooth, reflective surface, as would be expected after rain. The rain in Titan’s case would not be from water, since the temperature is about -290° F, but from methane, which should condense and liquefy at those temperatures. Space.com and Fox News Science summarize the findings. (Fox drags in irrelevant speculations about ‘alien life’ on Titan.)

Why does this imply Titan is young? Whenever a dynamic process is observed on a solar system body, one needs to ask if that could be sustained for billions of years. As we have reported numerous times (most recently 3 May 2018), Titan’s methane supply also has an upper limit of 10 million to 100 million years, so why does any of it still exist today? And while there are river channels on Titan, they appear fairly shallow. Having methane rain on Titan for 4.5 billion years would have eroded the entire surface multiple times over, and yet scientists observe sand dunes around the equator. It pushes credibility to assume Titan has maintained its current landscape for billions of years. And despite its massive size (larger than Mercury), Titan has very few impact craters.

Youth Impact

If Saturn’s majestic rings are young, then certainly those of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, which are even less massive, must be young, too. Actually, Saturn’s young-age problems are not that unusual. Most objects in the solar system, from Mercury to Pluto and beyond, challenge old-age beliefs, as we have been reporting for years. Planetary formation theories themselves are being revised way downward in terms of the time required (22 Dec 2018); indeed, planets must form rapidly, they now believe, or they will be destroyed.

There’s really no good reason to think that the solar system is billions of years old, except for the habitual way of thinking by materialists. Their consensus dogma needs the time for Darwinian evolution on Earth to turn molecules into man. If that didn’t happen, who needs the billions of years anyway? Follow the evidence where it leads.



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