May 23, 2019 | David F. Coppedge

Illustra Media Celebrates Animal Diversity

A new short film from Illustra Media is sure to delight children – and adults, too.

Lad Allen, producer of all the excellent nature documentaries at Illustra Media, wrote this about a new short film that is different. It contains no speech or scientific explanations; it’s just for sheer joy.

Jerry Harned and I are grandfathers. Between us we have eight grandchildren (above), ranging in age from one to twelve. We enjoy them immensely. So much so that we decided to produce a film dedicated to each of them.

Recently, we took a brief detour from cell biology, genetics and cosmology to develop a short video that would make our grandchildren (and, hopefully, thousands of other kids) smile, laugh, and jump around the living room like kangaroos. A film that, after everyone calmed down, would open the door for some good conversations about the creative power of God.

First, we dug through our film archives and pulled out some of the best mammal, bird, reptile, insect, amphibian and fish footage we’ve photographed and accumulated over the years. Then we commissioned a special version of one of the most emotionally moving pieces of music ever written (Beethoven’s Ode to Joy). The editing process was a delight, and when we were done we had a lively and inspiring two-minute celebration of life on Earth. We call it ODE TO THE ANIMALS.

In just two minutes, viewers are treated to fast-moving montage of animals large and small.

Okay. Now round up your kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, kids in your neighborhood, kids in your Sunday school and Awana programs… any kids you know anywhere. Then, after making sure they have plenty of room to jump and run around, hit the “Play” arrow … and be sure to stick around to watch it with them. We’ve had some test screenings with adults and they loved it too.

He ends, “May the Creator of everything fill your hearts with joy.” Watch it now, right here:

If you enjoyed it, please share the film located at so that you and your friends can enjoy “life, and that more abundantly” (John 10:10b). While at the website, look at all the other short films available for free viewing and sharing.

CEH often deals with answering Darwinists and their outlandish claims that all these creatures just “emerged” by chance mutations and natural selection. We need to step back and look at the amazing and diverse world of life that the origins controversy is about. Sometimes, enjoying creation – standing in awe of the wonders around us – can be the best tonic to ward off unbelief.

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