Asian Languages Approach Biblical Timeline

Origin of the Sino-Tibetan language family about 5,900 years ago? Yeah, that's about right, within error.

The “Population Bomb” Bombed

Paul Ehrlich's 1968 Malthusian prediction of mass starvation due to increasing population was not only wrong; it was dreadfully harmful.

Calling Something a Whale Doesn’t Make It a Whale

This absurdly hyped fossil is a WINO— Whale in Name Only. Dr Jerry Bergman gives it a reality check.

Moon Losing Its Water

The moon loses more water than it receives from the solar wind or meteorites. How long has that been going on?

Debate Is Over: Saturn Is Young

Scientists have run out of options to keep Saturn and its rings and moons billions of years old. It's time to face the music.

Leading Darwinist Advocates Breeding Humans with Chimps

A leading Darwinist advocates breeding "humanzees" to prove evolution. It was tried before to science's disgrace.

Mencken’s Law at Work in Science

The intuitive solution to a problem can be actually more harmful than the problem itself.

Questionable Categories of Human Ancestors: The Denisovans

What happens when you derive a whole people group from a fingerbone? Confusion and every evil work.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism, cont.

Dr Bergman continues discussing scientific research about sex and gender, describes historical gender roles, and explains how the media distort the science.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism

Dr Jerry Bergman discusses the historical view of sexuality and gender with modern trends.

The Dark Side of Dark Matter Hunts

Dark matter is still a no-show. What will it take for cosmologists to give up on a fruitless quest?

Misinterpreting Fossil Graveyards

Fossils are real, but the stories concocted to explain how mixed-up animals became buried together involve assumptions.

Science Media Tolerates Silliness

As long as you are a secular Darwinian, you can get away with anything.

Living Fossil Giant Bee Challenges Evolution

Describing insects fossilized in amber is a matter of observable fact. Describing how they "evolved" is storytelling.

Carnivorous Plants Show Attention to Detail

Two plants that baffled Darwin are best admired for their design than for their evolution.
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