Was the Apostle Paul a Book Burner?

Paul warned that Christ followers would be slandered. A book review in Nature shows it is still going on.

What Is Scientifically Significant?

A common measure in scientific papers is under fire, possibly invalidating thousands of research papers.

Darwinism Inspired China’s Communist Holocaust

Read and become one of the tiny elite who know something about Darwinism’s influence on the “greatest death camp in the history of the world."

Your Soul Comes With Automated Brain Software

When you think about the following news about the brain's processing powers, ask yourself, "who" is operating it?

Codes Cannot Create Themselves

To make a code, you have to start with a mind. Then you need to design a sender and a receiver that know the code.

Biological Codes Are Everywhere

Scientists struggle to account for the origin of coded information in biology from a materialistic framework.

Dark Matter May Not Exist

Astrophysicists may be tiring of searching for things they know nothing about. The consequences could be revolutionary.

Darwinians Still Justify Genetic Determinism

One of the most dangerous philosophies in the history of mankind is still embedded in modern Darwinism.

The Extrapolation Fallacy in Evolutionary Storytelling

The assumption of universal common ancestry can lead to absurd scientific reasoning.

More Penitence Needed Toward Our Neanderthal Brethren

Evolutionists acknowledge changing views toward Neanderthals, but they fall short of apology for fake science.

More Science Behind Gender Differences

Male-female differences are a matter of science fact, not political ideology.

Neutral Theory of Evolution Debunked

Dr Jerry Bergman elaborates on a proof in Michael Behe's new book that the neutral theory of evolution fails.

Big Changes in Science Publishing Underway

People are so used to peer-reviewed scientific journals behind paywalls, it's hard to think of any other way. Till now.

Graduate Level Baloney Detecting About Natural Selection

We examine some leading journal papers that lean on natural selection to see if they can wobble without falling over.

Claim of New Antifreeze Gene by Natural Selection Melts Under Analysis

A biochemist examines imaginative claims about natural selection creating a new gene.
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