Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film

Why is there beauty in the living world? We all recognize it. The implications take center stage in the design-vs-Darwin debate.

Are There As Many Stars as Sand Grains?

A video clip from Illustra Media attempts to answer a common question: How many stars are there?

Bird Development in Stunning Video

The orchestration of a bird from egg to chick is shown in astonishing detail by Illustra Media.

Lessons from Noah’s Ark

A fun collection of lessons people can take from the story of Noah's Ark!

What a Difference the Breath of Life Makes

Breath is a marvelous thing that makes all the difference in living.

Geological Processes Can Be Rapid

For those trained to think in millions of years, these geological processes should sound surprising.

Food Abounds for the Poor

People don't starve because of a lack of resources. They suffer because of bad ideas and wicked rulers.

Experts Were Wrong About Killer Bees

Another doomsday scenario has been debunked: killer bees have calmed down and become nice. How, and why?

Why Can’t Scientists Achieve Nature’s Designs?

Biomimetics has been big for years now, but scientists are still a long way from achieving biology's engineering.

Resiliency of Body Amazes Health Workers

Nothing seems more hopeless than paralysis. But there are indications of hope, thanks to the body's resiliency.

Brain Secrets Seen Through a Glass Darkly

The brain drain, the importance of forgetting, and other secrets of the "supremely complex organ" come to light.

Bibles Placed on the Moon by Apollo Astronauts

Not widely shared in Apollo news is that the astronauts wanted to take a Bible to the moon – and succeeded.

Space Pioneers Who Trusted in God

The mainstream media try to present science and technology as fields owned by evolutionists. Not true.

50 Years After Apollo, Our Moon Is Still Mysterious

Scientists in the 1960s were confident that the moon missions would solve their problems with lunar origins.

Brain Provides Shortcuts for the Will

The brain is like a smart assistant, allowing previously-learned actions to be called up on demand.
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