Bible and Theology Ancient Inscriptions Agree with Bible May 5, 2019 Names written on pieces of pottery, clay and stone agree not only that Bible characters existed, but confirms the dates they lived. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Amino Acids Found in Cretaceous Amber May 3, 2019 If this doesn't take the cake for soft tissue preservation: intact amino acids in amber said to be 100 million years old! CONTINUE READING
Solar System Young Solar System Evidence Pops Up Everywhere May 1, 2019 If the solar system formed more recently than believed, Darwinism is dead. Look how widely scattered the evidence is. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Remarkable Resuscitations April 27, 2019 Doctors and families should not be too quick to unplug a comatose person. Look what can happen. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Moon Losing Its Water April 24, 2019 The moon loses more water than it receives from the solar wind or meteorites. How long has that been going on? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Two Resurrections Celebrated April 21, 2019 For Easter, Illustra Media has produced a short film that dazzles the eyes with nature's beauty as a metaphor for resurrection. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Answers for Skeptics of Jesus April 20, 2019 As Easter 2019 approaches, here are some resources examining the evidence of Jesus and his resurrection. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Mechanical Engineering in the Skeleton April 17, 2019 Dr Henry Richter explains some of the design requirements for having a skeleton. CONTINUE READING
Education Words of Wisdom from Wildflowers April 12, 2019 Springtime is here and the wildflowers are blooming. What lessons can nature lovers learn from these beauties? CONTINUE READING
Birds The Non-Evolution of Birds April 10, 2019 Dr James F. Coppedge tells an example of a bird whose all-or-nothing migration cannot be explained by evolution. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Wonders of the Immune System April 9, 2019 Medical science and physiological research has barely begun to understand all of the facets of the human immune system. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Running Is a Complex Balance of Rapid Reflexes April 2, 2019 If you thought about how complex running is while running, you might trip and fall over. Read this while sitting down. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Saturn’s Ring Moons Collect Ring Dust April 1, 2019 How long have these little moons been gathering ring dust on their equators? CONTINUE READING
Geology Dead Sea Salt Cave Is Longest of Its Kind March 31, 2019 Cave explorers have determined that a passageway inside a mountain of salt in Israel is the longest salt cave in the world. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Misinterpreting Fossil Graveyards March 30, 2019 Fossils are real, but the stories concocted to explain how mixed-up animals became buried together involve assumptions. CONTINUE READING