Atheists Do Not Exist

Being an atheist is impossible. Everyone believes in the supernatural and in miracles.

More Excuses for Missing Dark Matter

How long can a theory survive repeated falsifications? Very long, when ideology (and funding) is at stake.

Designed Selection Is Not Evolution

When you insert mindful choice or programmed choice into a process, Darwinism disappears.

Brain Makes Automatic Statistical Inference

Your brain isn't a computer, but contains a powerful one.

The Left’s Anti-Science Agenda on Sex

One would think re-affirming women would gain a leader praise. In this instance, the leader is vilified.

Automatic Emergency Brake Found on Molecular Motor

Ross Anderson discusses a new finding about how an 'emergency brake' works in one of the most vital of all molecular machines, ATP synthase.

Inserting Darwin Where He Doesn’t Belong

Chuck-in-the-Box keeps popping up in scientific literature having nothing to do with his theory.

Evolutionist Cries, We Must Stop Human Evolution!

A few sentences from this evolutionist's plea should cure theologians of theistic evolution.

Science Under the Microscope Looks Infected

Surgical changes are coming in scientific institutions and methods, due to chronic maladies coming to light.

More Evidence Our Moon Is Young

Moonquakes are still occurring. Why didn't geological activity cease billions of years ago?

Some Meditation Practices Can Be Scary

A non-judgmental survey of reactions to meditation found a surprising percentage of negative experiences afterward.

Gold from Starstuff, or a Fool’s Gold Scenario?

If you tweak your scenario hard enough, it will give you anything you want.

Ancient Inscriptions Agree with Bible

Names written on pieces of pottery, clay and stone agree not only that Bible characters existed, but confirms the dates they lived.

Amino Acids Found in Cretaceous Amber

If this doesn't take the cake for soft tissue preservation: intact amino acids in amber said to be 100 million years old!

Natural Selection: Darwin’s All-Purpose Magic Wand

If it exists, it evolved. How? By natural selection. How does that work? It makes things evolve. That's all you need to know.
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