July 15, 2020 | David F. Coppedge

Biosignatures Reveal Intact Soft Tissue Is Ubiquitous in Fossils

Yale paleontologists admit soft tissue is everywhere but try to use it as data for millions of years of evolution.

One of the biggest hoodwinks in paleontology is going on before our eyes. Soft tissue in dinosaur bones is prima facie evidence that dinosaurs did not live over 65 million years ago. All their biological material should have turned to stone long before then, and yet there it was, right under Mary Schweitzer’s microscope (YouTube). Everybody was shocked. It was unbelievable. It was impossible. Evolutionists tried every trick in the book to make those delicate proteins and apparent blood vessels and blood cells last for millions of years. First, they claimed it was contamination from modern organisms. Then, they hypothesized that cross-links with iron and other substances might stabilize the biological tissues for millions of years. It was only theoretical, of course, since one cannot watch what happens for millions of years.

Then, things got worse for Darwin. More biological tissue was found in older fossils. Some stretched the ages out all the way back to the Cambrian explosion, 540 million Darwin Years ago! If 66-million-year-old material was hard to believe, Cambrian material was absolutely incredible. Creationists have taken this as evidence that millions of years is a myth. These creatures had to die out only thousands of years ago, not millions. The fact that soft tissue is found over such a stretch of “evolutionary time” implies that all those fossils were young, too. There was no passage of hundreds of millions of years between them. Some creation scientists have done original work on fossil material, including dinosaur bone. Others have compiled lists of papers proving this original biological material does exist.

What’s the Darwin Party to do? They can’t deny the existence of the organic material. The Grand Hoodwink is now in progress: evolutionists are simply accepting soft tissue, and claiming that it opens up wonderful possibilities to explore evolution! Like in the cartoon, they are picking up the sword of their enemies and using it against them, claiming creationists weren’t using it right. Soft tissue is actually supposed to fight creationism, not evolution!

Biosignatures may reveal a wealth of new data locked inside old fossils (Yale News). Jim Shelton takes up the sword and tries his hand at swinging it around. Yale paleontologist Derek E.G. Briggs teaches him how to fight with it in Darwin’s army. Briggs has proven himself in battle with the cannon dodge and sidestep, claiming that the Cambrian Explosion has an evolutionary explanation (Evolution News). Watch how he parries and thrusts to make soft tissue an effective weapon for proving Darwin’s invincibility, as Shelton calls the match:

Step aside, skeletons — a new world of biochemical “signatures” found in all kinds of ancient fossils is revealing itself to paleontologists, providing a new avenue for insights into major evolutionary questions.

In a new study published in the journal Science Advances, Yale researchers outline a novel approach to finding biological signals long thought to be lost in the process of fossilization. The new approach has already yielded valuable information about the soft shells that encased the first dinosaur eggs and shown that an ancient creature known as the Tully Monster was a very unusual vertebrate.

“What we’re discovering is that molecular, carbonaceous residues almost always preserve a microscopic clue within fossils,” said Jasmina Wiemann, a graduate student in the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at Yale and first author of the study. “Fossil organic matter is a wild mix of things, based on the chemical degradation products of original biomolecules.”

Notice how Briggs and Shelton admit that fossil biosignatures are ubiquitous, “found in all kinds of ancient fossils.” Notice how they admit that this biological material was “long thought to be lost in the process of fossilization.” Thought by whom? Evolutionists! It is Briggs and his gang with their moyboy mindset who thought that. They can no longer deny it. So rather than let creationists wave a sword at them with this evidence, they grab the creationists’ sword and point it at them, in order to defend the Darwin idol. It’s a clever strategy. Can they get away with it?

Briggs, with grad student Jasmina Wiemann and Yale chemist Jason Crawford, compiled a list of soft tissue finds in 113 fossils as far back as 541 million years in evolutionary mythological time. Look how fresh this tissue looks, as featured in the press release. Their caption is reproduced below the photo.

Yale caption: “Microscopic image of decalcified YPM Allosaurus bone: pieces of chemically altered extracellular matrix with preserved bone cells. Soft tissues fossilize commonly, and they are stabilized through oxidative crosslinking of proteins, lipids, and sugars. (Photo credit: Jasmina Wiemann)”

They’ve got bone cells from an Allosaurus! They’ve got what look like blood vessels and cells. Are those really 80 million years old? Another photo caption shows “Residues of original protein scaffolds in biomineralized tissues.” They try to argue that these delicate tissues were “stabilized” by chemical crosslinks, and that this can preserve delicate biomolecules like lipids, sugars and proteins – even amino acids – for millions of years! This is like claiming that a wooden building kept its shape because the termites were holding hands. How can they claim such a thing? They have to. It’s either fight the creationists with their own sword, or admit defeat: Darwin and his millions of years are a myth.

Since that is unthinkable, the Darwin Army grabs the swords of their enemies and fights to glorify King Charles to the death.

The researchers said understanding biological signatures in fossils has the potential to fundamentally advance scientific knowledge about the evolution of life on Earth.

“With this approach, we can go in a number of different research directions, representing big questions for animal evolution with answers that we thought were beyond the reach of fossils,” Wiemann said.

Pile it On, Mary

Incidentally, Mary Schweitzer’s team has not stopped producing evidence of dinosaur soft tissue. In a paper in the April 2020 issue of Oxford’s National Science Review, she presented “Evidence of proteins, chromosomes and chemical markers of DNA in exceptionally preserved dinosaur cartilage.” Schweitzer does not question long ages or evolution herself, but she puts this material out as if to challenge the establishment: ‘This stuff is real. Deal with it.’ And now she has DNA – the most vulnerable molecule of all!

Histochemical and immunological evidence supports in situ preservation of extracellular matrix components found in extant cartilage, including glycosaminoglycans and collagen type II. Furthermore, isolated Hypacrosaurus chondrocytes react positively with two DNA intercalating stains. Specific DNA staining is only observed inside the isolated cells, suggesting endogenous nuclear material survived fossilization. Our data support the hypothesis that calcified cartilage is preserved at the molecular level in this Mesozoic material, and suggest that remnants of once-living chondrocytes, including their DNA, may preserve for millions of years.

They argue that this DNA is not bacterial contamination. It’s real dinosaur DNA from a duck-billed dinosaur said to have died before the commonly-assumed extinction event 65 million years ago. Nobody ever thought DNA could last anywhere near that long. So now, evolutionists have moved the goal posts, and are now claiming, ‘Well, what do you know: soft tissue can survive hundreds of millions of years!’ – as long as you have “exceptional conditions.”

The assumption of a temporal limit on molecular longevity has hindered the pursuit of molecular data from fossils older than ∼1 million years (MA). A short temporal range is predicted for informative biomolecules (∼1 MA for proteins, and ∼100,000 years for DNA; with 700,000 years as the oldest genome report). However, these assumptions have been challenged by multiple studies on Mesozoic fossil remains reporting evidence of chemical and organic remnants, including extracellular proteins and pigments,… cytoskeletal proteins, compounds that localize to cell interiors that are chemically consistent with DNA [20; and the present study] and peptide sequence data including histone proteins, a protein not found in bacteria.

Here, data derived from dinosaurian calcified cartilage add to the growing evidence across specimens and biomolecules that original, endogenous organics persist into deep time under exceptional conditions.

But Derek Briggs is claiming that biosignatures commonly exist in fossils of all times and types. “Soft tissues fossilize commonly,” Weismann said. The Yale paper in Science Advances ends,

Fossil organic matter formed through oxidative cross-linking preserves biological signals regardless of age or diagenetic alteration. Biomolecule fossilization products not only reveal the diagenetic history of an animal fossil but also illuminate its structural nature and phylogenetic affinities when considered in a comparative framework. These comparative molecular analyses provide powerful tools to address fundamental questions on the evolution of biomineralized tissues and have the potential to resolve the position of fossils in the animal tree of life.

That is not a demonstration. That is an assertion. Neither Briggs, Weismann, Crawford or Mary Schweitzer has experienced a million years (let alone 540 million). Not that long ago, all of them thought biomolecules would deteriorate much faster than that. To keep the Darwin Party intact, all evidence must now be interpreted in “a comparative framework” – that is, a vision of Darwin’s Tree of Life gradually unfolding over millions of years.

They are only saying this to preserve the Charlie Idol. Charlie needs his precious millions of years, because without them, his materialist empire vanishes into the wind like a will-o’-the-wisp. Those millions of years never existed, and the world is young, just like the Bible says, but such a conclusion is intolerable to secularists. Darwinism is too entrenched in western science now. Like a philosophical Godzilla, nothing can stop it, not even a nuclear blast of dinosaur soft tissue. It must continue its march through western civilization, tromping on churches and breathing fire against the City of God.

This latest ploy by the Darwin Party shows that they are not really interested in the truth about how the world and people got here.  They have a scenario, a story, a world view that must be maintained at all costs. They will pretend to look busy, playing with their scientific tools in the lab, and looking through their microscopes, but they refuse to follow the implications. No evidence is allowed to be wielded against Father Charlie the Magnificent. His army will defend him to the death. His propagandists will continue to assert that dead men do bleed, a jelly bean on the sidewalk is the queen bug, the butterfly-shaped potato chip flew all the way to Charlie Brown’s house from Brazil, and great is Darwina of the Effusions.

Cancel Darwin.

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