July 25, 2020 | David F. Coppedge

Mammoth Ligaments Found in Siberian Lake

Frozen mammoths have been found in abundance before; this one, with intact ligaments, was found in a lake.

Model of Columbia mammoth displayed at Hot Springs Mammoth Site, South Dakota. (DFC)

Can ligaments withstand 10,000 years of exposure to the elements? Prior specimens of mammoths and other mammals were entombed in ice or permafrost. This one, being excavated as quickly as possible, is in water. The Associated Press story making the rounds says this:

Russian scientists are working to retrieve the well-preserved skeleton of a woolly mammoth, which has some ligaments still attached to it, from a lake in northern Siberia.

Fragments of the skeleton were found by local reindeer herders in the shallows of Pechevalavato Lake on the Yamalo-Nenets region a few days ago. They found part of the animal’s skull, the lower jaw, several ribs and a foot fragment with sinews still intact.

Researchers are trying to bring more samples from the “lakeside silt,” the report says. It is possible this location has been frozen till recently, but the report is not clear about when it became a lake.

Siberia is undergoing a heat wave, and the U.N. weather agency warned Friday that average temperatures were 18 degrees Fahrenheit above average last month.

The article gives the consensus view on the age of mammoths:

Woolly mammoths are thought to have died out around 10,000 years ago, although scientists think small groups of them may have lived on longer in Alaska and on Russia’s Wrangel Island off the Siberian coast.

Mammoth hunt. Mural at La Brea Tar Pits museum. But when?

How much longer the article doesn’t say. It wouldn’t matter to this story anyway, because this one was in Siberia, not Alaska or Wrangel Island. According to the consensus timeline, it would have died at least 10,000 years ago – but its sinews were found intact, in water.

Remains of mammoths and mastodons are found in many parts of the world, including at the La Brea tar pits, where scientists believe early humans hunted them. One mammoth found intact in 2009 is said to be 40,000 years old.

The ABC copy of the story includes a short video of another remarkable find: cartilage from sharks in Mammoth Cave. The shark remains, found in the walls of the sediments that must have been an ocean in the past, date from 330 million Darwin Years ago.

Is this mammoth specimen really that old? Evolutionists force certain extinct animals to certain ages to maintain the Darwinian story. It would ruin everything to find mammoths or dinosaurs living just a few thousand years ago, and yet soft tissue remains keep turning up that should have become completely mineralized not that long ago.

But think about this find. Does it make sense to think that in the passage of 10,000 years or more, there was never a heat wave able to melt that lake until now? If this is not the first heat wave, the material would surely have decomposed quickly. Even entombed in ice it is hard to picture ligaments and tendons lasting anywhere near that long, let alone shark cartilage lasting 330 million years!

Fossils like these fit the Biblical timeline, which is much, much shorter. Most fossils are remains of animals that were buried suddenly in the Flood just a few thousands of years ago. That’s why soft tissue keeps showing up everywhere (15 July 2020). 


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