February 11, 2021 | David F. Coppedge

Big Bang Anomaly Prompts Excuses

The excuse for this astronomical problem sounds like
the excuses Darwinists give for sudden appearance


To set the stage for this little problem that astronomers found, one must have a basic understanding of Big Bang theory. The Bang was the only ‘sudden’ thing about it. (How that happened, and what happened before it, are considered outside the scope of the theory.) Once an expanding universe began (after a magical period called inflation, concocted to save the Big Bang from falsification—see Guth Goof in the Darwin Dictionary), everything else was slow and gradual. Over many millions of years, particles cooled down and began to assemble into atoms. The atoms began to be attracted by gravity. Many tens or hundreds of millions of years later, clumps of matter began forming stars. Those stars slowly began assembling into galaxies: clumpy ones at first, but those evolved into mature spirals and disk galaxies that we adore in Hubble images. The Earth would come billions of years later.

In this grand scheme, Big Bang believers would not wish to find complete galaxies in the earliest 10% of the universe’s assumed age. Similarly, in the Darwinian scheme, evolutionary biologists would rather avoid finding complex animal body plans showing up all at once (the Cambrian Explosion, sometimes called ‘biology’s big bang’). Yet both observations plague the two materialistic theories.

A massive stellar bulge in a regularly rotating galaxy 1.2 billion years after the Big Bang (Lelli et al., Science Magazine, 12 Feb 2021: Vol. 371, Issue 6530, pp. 713-716; DOI: 10.1126/science.abc1893). It isn’t supposed to be there at redshift 4.5, but it is: 1.2 billion years after the Big Bang, in the materialists’ dating scheme, a nice symmetrical rotating galaxy with a central bulge appears to be happily spinning along. This was at a time in Big Bang history when matter was supposed to be more chaotic. The multi-national discovery team is perplexed.

Galaxy formation in the early Universe is thought to have been a chaotic process, producing disturbed and asymmetric galaxy morphologies. Over billions of years, galaxies dynamically relaxed to form stable morphological features. Lelli et al. observed a distant galaxy at a redshift when the Universe was 1.2 billion years old… They used gas and dust emission to measure its kinematics, and then modeled the mass distribution within the galaxy. The authors found that the galaxy contains a massive stellar bulge and a uniformly rotating disk, features that models predict take billions of years to form.

The galaxy discovered has been given the name ALESS 073.1. In the same issue of Science, Julie Wardlow from Lancaster University (“Speedy galactic evolution,” Science 12 Feb 2021), admits that such things should not be found so early.

On page 713 of this issue, Lelli et al. (1) report a galaxy that had evolved features (both a disk and a bulge) when only 1.2 billion years had elapsed since the Big Bang (∼12.5 billion years ago)…  This finding suggests that the processes that generate the key features of a mature galaxy arose more rapidly than has been thought.

Such a smooth, star-rich bright galaxy should have taken a long time if internal dynamics quieted down. A merger of two disks might have sped it up to create a rotating bright disk with a central bulge. In either scenario, 1.2 billion years after the Big Bang is considered way too early.

Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak

Kitt Peak Observatory Mayall Telescope with starfield, c. David Coppedge

Theory Rescue to the Rescue

When Darwinists are confronted with early abrupt appearance of complex life forms (a common occurrence), they often resort to the excuse that Darwinian evolution operates faster than they thought. Let’s see if that excuse occurs in Big Bang theory as well. Here are 4 quotes, two from the original paper and two from Watlow’s commentary:

  • These results indicate that galaxy evolution is a more rapid process than previously thought.
  • Although we observe only a single object, we conclude that the Universe produced regularly rotating galaxy disks with prominent bulges at <10% of its current age. This implies that the formation of massive galaxies and their central bulges must be a fast and efficient process.
  • This finding suggests that the processes that generate the key features of a mature galaxy arose more rapidly than has been thought.
  • Evidence from an early galaxy, ALESS 073.1, indicates the presence of a rotating stellar disk and a central bulge, two features that were thought to be hallmarks of mature, older galaxies. This suggests that the processes that generate these features are present much earlier than previously thought.

Followers of Darwinian excuse-making will find these remarks sounding familiar. The excuse-makers don’t say “how” the processes could be sped up so dramatically; they just believe they must have been faster somehow. Never is the paradigmatic theory itself ever questioned. The excuse-makers simply turn up the speed dials to keep the paradigm intact.

Update 13 Feb 2021: Portrait of young galaxy throws theory of galaxy formation on its head (Cardiff University). The headline of this press release emphasizes the disaster this galaxy creates for theory.

Co-author of the study Dr Timothy Davis, from the School of Physics and Astronomy, said: “This spectacular discovery challenges our current understanding of how galaxies form because we believed these features only arose in “mature” galaxies, not in young ones.”…

Similar features were also unexpectedly spotted in ALESS 073.1, much to the team’s amazement, as early galaxies are generally thought to be chaotic and turbulent rather than having regular, well-organized structures like spiral arms.

No explanation was offered for why this galaxy differed so sharply from theoretical expectations.

This is the latest in a long-running series CEH has followed about observations showing early maturity in the universe. It’s like finding an old man in a crib in the maternity ward. Instead of being ashamed, the observers look at the old man and say, ‘Well, what do you know. Aging must be a fast and efficient process.’

Another conclusion that can be drawn from this story concerns common ancestry – not of life, but of excuses. The similar excuses used by cosmologists and evolutionary biologists suggest they come from the same stock – the father of lies who wants us to believe that there is no Creator, but that the universe made itself.

Recommended Resource: Spike Psarris shows many examples of early maturity in the universe in his Creation Astronomy documentaries, especially volumes 2 and 3.




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  • JSwan says:

    In the time since James Webb started sending observations it’s amazing to see how, like a choir the pro-evolutionists refuse to question the Big Bang hypothesis only to claim ‘we don’t fully understand how galaxies form’. Really? They’ve been asserting for decades how galaxies formed and teaching such in the schools as fact.

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