South Americans Genetically Linked to Australasians
Genetic evidence shows South Americans are genetically connected with Asians and Australians.
A genetic research program published in PNAS (March 29, 2021) reveals “waves of migration” from Australia to South America.
Different models have been proposed to elucidate the origins of the founding populations of America, along with the number of migratory waves and routes used by these first explorers. Settlements, both along the Pacific coast and on land, have been evidenced in genetic and archeological studies. However, the number of migratory waves and the origin of immigrants are still controversial topics. Here, we show the Australasian genetic signal is present in the Pacific coast region, indicating a more widespread signal distribution within South America and implicating an ancient contact between Pacific and Amazonian dwellers. We demonstrate that the Australasian population contribution was introduced in South America through the Pacific coastal route before the formation of the Amazonian branch, likely in the ancient coastal Pacific/Amazonian population. In addition, we detected a significant amount of interpopulation and intrapopulation variation in this genetic signal in South America. This study elucidates the genetic relationships of different ancestral components in the initial settlement of South America and proposes that the migratory route used by migrants who carried the Australasian ancestry led to the absence of this signal in the populations of Central and North America.
What this indicates is that current people groups in South America show they arrived by different migration routes. The authors say “the signal was also detected in individuals from every major linguistic group.” Despite widespread migrations from Australia and Asia over thousands of years through the Bering Strait, all the inhabitants of South America are recognizably human with shared genetic signals.

Climate is a hugely complex and dynamic system challenging to understand for a decade, let alone centuries.
A signal of genetic affinity between present-day and ancient natives from South America and present-day indigenous groups of South Asia, Australia, and Melanesia has been previously reported. This Australasian−Native American connection persists as one of the most intriguing and poorly understood events in human history. The controversial Australasian population genetic component (i.e., “Ypikuéra population” or “Y population” component) was identified exclusively in the present-day Amazonian populations, suggesting at least two different founding waves leading to the formation of the people of this region. The first wave was inferred to be composed of direct descendants of the Beringian standstill population, and a second wave was formed by an admixed population of Beringian and southeast Asian ancestors that reached Beringia more recently. Both these populations would have settled and admixed in the Amazon region.

People recognize people.
The researchers studied genetic markers from hundreds of South American individuals gathered over scattered areas of the continent. Considering that ancient migrations were conducted on foot or possibly in boats at times, the people “admixed” into the current populations. This indicates sexual affinity over time frames too short to evolve into different species. All these people groups recognized one another as fully human despite language differences and thousands of years of separation. Today, admixtures are aided by easy flight travel and global communication resources. An Australian today can meet a Brazilian over the internet and meet in person within days.
Update 3/30/2021: Bob Yirka at summarizes the paper, ending with this: “the hardest theory to swallow is the possibility that early people from Australasia somehow made their way directly to the shores of South America.”
We won’t attempt to interpret this data in detail; we just encourage creation geneticists to consider the implications of this paper. It is quite remarkable that all the people groups studied genetically have “affinities” with one another. Think of the extreme case where Europeans sailed to America and married Native Americans that had come to the New World from opposite directions. Mountain men who traveled west to the Rockies and beyond could fall in love with Indian women descended from Asians who had crossed the Bering Strait thousands of years earlier.
We are all one human race – better, one human species. Race is an unfortunate and deadly concept from the mind of men who forgot Genesis. We need to explain this to the eggheads in academia and in the secular media who are using race to divide us. Every human is a son of Adam or a daughter of Eve. It’s time we drop the race card and focus on an individual’s morals, not the trivial physical features that occur by natural genetic variation over time. If mountain man Jim Bridger looked upon Emma from the Flathead Indian tribe, thinking her beautiful and marrying her, bearing three children by her, that should eliminate all doubt that we are one species in all respects that matter.
The genetic evidence supports the Genesis account that humans originated from a single pair, survived the genetic bottleneck at the Flood, then migrated around the world after the confusion of tongues at Babel. This all happened not that long ago. People are inventive and restless, finding ways to explore and settle in new lands.