December 1, 2022 | David F. Coppedge

Bird Evolution Wrong for 155 Years

Science is truth till admitted to be mistaken.
Sometimes finding the mistake can take centuries.


Time to rewrite the textbooks again. Trouble is, only evolution is permitted, even when it is wrong.

Ancient bird with a movable beak rewrites the story of avian evolution (New Scientist, 30 Nov 2022). “A skull bone from 67 million years ago reveals that ancestors of modern birds had jointed beaks, not immobile ones as biologists have long thought.” Which biologists? Evolutionary biologists. Those are the only biologists that Darwin-drunk New Scientist and Big Science’s primary journal, Nature will consider. They are allowed to be wrong without being falsified.

A 67-million-year-old bird skull has overturned an established theory about how modern birds evolved.

Unlike most modern birds, the flightless group that includes ostriches and emus can’t move their upper beaks – a feature that, for the past 155 years, has been considered primitive. The discovery of a jointed upper beak in a bird from the dinosaur age, however, suggests that the early ancestor of all modern birds may have had a jaw that looked more like that of a turkey than an ostrich, says Daniel Field at the University of Cambridge.

“The assumption that ostriches, rheas, emus and kiwis somehow retain features that are indicative of what the ancestor of modern birds might have been like – I think that’s actually just not right,” he says. “I always assumed that it was, but I don’t buy it anymore.”

Who considered a bird beak primitive? Did you? Unless you are an evolutionist, your vote doesn’t count.

The article says that the goof originated with Thomas Henry Huxley (Darwin’s bulldog and chief conspirator to push Darwinism on the public and into academia, 7 Nov 2022).

In 1867, biologist Thomas Henry Huxley proposed that birds with fused upper beaks had maintained this trait from ancient ancestors, and that jointed upper beaks – which allow the top beak to move up and down independently of the head – evolved later. Approximately 99 per cent of modern birds have jointed upper beaks, which may have advantages for nest-building, grooming, food-gathering and defence, says Field.

But the early bird already had the jointed beak. This means that ostriches and the other stiff-upper-beak birds had to lose the advantageous jointed beak. That’s devolution. Well, no problem; the Darwin-mobile has forward and reverse gears.

The findings suggest that, surprisingly, ostriches and their relatives must have evolved a fused beak later, says Lawrence Witmer at Ohio University, who wasn’t involved in the study. “We always thought the palatal structure of ratites was primitive and dinosaur-like,” he says. “This new study is a remarkable example of how just a few key fossil remains – analysed with a keen eye – can overturn some longstanding and cherished notions.”

No tears will be shed for the loss of cherished notions, though. Notions, like buttons and pins in a fabric store, are cheap. A “notion” is defined as “a vague or imperfect conception or idea of something… a fanciful or foolish idea; whim.” (6 June 2020). Evolutionists will just change one cherished notion for a new one. It’s no big loss, as long as Darwinism survives. It’s like changing a 5-cent pink rabbit’s foot for a blue one. They are both equally lucky.

Hawkins’ Theory of Progress
Progress does not consist in replacing a theory that is wrong with one that is right. It consists in replacing a theory that is wrong with one that is more subtly wrong.

Fossil find suggests ancestral bird beak was mobile (Nature News, 30 November 2022). Here is Nature‘s summary of a paper in the 30 Nov issue of the journal.

A 67-million-year-old fossil bird found in Europe provides evidence suggesting that scientists should reconsider centuries-old ideas about the nature of the ancestral avian beak.

When it comes to understanding the earliest evolution of modern birds, beak structure is crucial. It was mainly differences in the beak — specifically, the structure of the bony palate in the roof of the mouth that supports the beak — that enabled researchers to distinguish between the earliest-known divergence of modern birds: their split into two daughter lineages.

Cretaceous ornithurine supports a neognathous crown bird ancestor (Nature, 30 November 2022). For those who want to wade through the Jargonwocky as a sleeping aid, here is the source paper.

Our results, combined with recent evidence on the ichthyornithine palatine, overturn longstanding assumptions about the ancestral crown bird palate, and should prompt reevaluation of the purported galloanseran affinities of several bizarre early Cenozoic groups such as the ‘pseudotoothed birds’ (Pelagornithidae).

Evolution survives. Go back to sleep.

When will this racket end? Evolutionism survives only because critics have been censored. Well, we shall Tweet this article as loud as we can, and maybe someone will hear it from inside the castle walls. If you are not one of our Twitter followers, find us at @crevinfo and help retweet our independent songs.


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