2022 Year in Review
Here is a list of the most visited articles
in Creation-Evolution Headlines for 2022
This site had new material 78% of the days of 2022. Of the 284 articles published by Creation-Evolution Headlines in 2022, the following had the most visits. To read an article, click its link at left.
Top Ten by Number of Visits
- 2 Sept: Major Evolutionary Analysis Tool Discredited
- 05 May: Christian Chemist Saves the Planet in a Flash
- 18 March: Webb Telescope Test Image Stuns Astronomers
- 28 Jan: Laetoli Footprints Were Made by Humans
- 3 June: New Body Organ Comes to Light
- 4 August: JWST Surprises and Discoveries
- 30 March: Pluto Falsifies Deep Time
- 1 January: How to Tell Who’s Lying
- 22 January: JPL Sued for Discrimination
- 3 February: Life Is Designed to Prevent Evolution
Most Visited Articles By Subject
— Darwin, Evolutionary Theory, and the Origin of Life
- 2 Sept: Major Evolutionary Analysis Tool Discredited
- 16 August: Darwinism at a Tipping Point
- 29 June: Darwin’s Tree Chopped Down
- 21 June: Mutations Are Not the Main Source of Genetic Variety for Evolution
- 6 May: Gene Duplication Is Not a Credible Source of Evolutionary Progress
- 28 April: Evolution Is Not an Engineer; It’s a Dumb Idol
- 1 April: Darwin Follies Continue
- 21 March: Extreme Convergences Strain Credibility
- 15 February: Darwin’s Third Evolution Book Was Fraudulent
- 27 January: Darwin and the Origin of Lie
- 8 January: Evolutionists Still Blunder about Natural Selection
- 4 January: Will the new Space Telescope See the Origin of Life?
— Biology, Dinosaurs and Fossils
- 15 September: Dinosaur Skin Dazzles Scientists
- 25 February: Did Nice Dogs Evolve from Mean Wolves?
- 16 January: Why Whales Did Not Evolve
— Human Body, Health and Brain
- 30 September: Viagra for Alzheimer’s Disease?
- 30 August: The “Empty” Space in the Brain Has Vital Functions
- 3 June: New Body Organ Comes to Light
- 21 April: Evolutionists Refute “Poor Design” Claim for Human Eye
- 17 March: Another Claim of Poor Design Refuted
- 11 March: The Brain Files Information Logically
— Genetics, Cell Biology and Microbiology
- 5 July: Do Mutations Provide New Genetic Information?
- 27 May: Genetic Finding Keeps Sexes Separate
- 2 March: Ancient DNA Overturns Assumptions
- 3 February: Life Is Designed to Prevent Evolution
— Early Man: Human Evolution
- 12 October: Nobel Prize for Human Non-Evolution
- 22 July: Human Evolution Under Marshall Law
- 25 May: Prehuman Ancestors Are Fiction
- 28 Jan: Laetoli Footprints Were Made by Humans
— Geology and Physics
- 13 October: Volcanoes Feed the Planet with Nutrients
- 05 May: Christian Chemist Saves the Planet in a Flash
- 2 May: Comfort for the Climate Panicked
- 15 March: More Reasons to Doubt a Climate Doomsday
- 2 February: Geology Tackles Its Great Anomaly
— Dating Methods
- 9 December: Can DNA Last Two Million Years?
- 27 October: Magnetism Confirms Biblical Dates
- 21 October: Yosemite Just Got a Lot Younger
- 28 July: Carbon Dating Is Becoming Useless
— Astronomy and Cosmology
- 11 August: No Escape from “In the Beginning”
- 4 August: JWST Surprises and Discoveries
- 13 July: Will Dark Matter Theorists See the Light?
- 18 March: Webb Telescope Test Image Stuns Astronomers
- 16 February: Cosmic Disturbances Shake Astronomer Confidence
— Solar System
- 2 December: How to Keep the Solar System Old: Struggle and Hope
- 30 March: Pluto Falsifies Deep Time
— Education and Media
- 25 November: Science Condemns Co-Inventor of the Transistor
- 1 September: Big Science Intensifying Indoctrination
- 27 April: Evolutionary Indoctrination Works When Debate Is Forbidden
- 14 April: How to Become an Expert in Ignorance
- 1 January: How to Tell Who’s Lying
— Politics, Ethics, and Philosophy of Science
- 3 December: Science Goes All-In for Sexual Perversion and Marriage Redefinition
- 30 July: Big Science Spreading Climate Disinformation
- 22 January: JPL Sued for Discrimination
- 5 January: Psychopolitics Is Back
Scientists of the Month
- December: Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872)
- November: William Thompson, Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
- October: Douglas Dewar (1875-1967)
- September: Roger Bacon (1214-1294)
- August: Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
- July: Irwin Moon (1907-1986)
- June: Raymond Damadian (1936-2022)
- May: Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
- April: Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)
- March: William of Ockham (1285-1347)
- February: John Philoponus (7th century)
- January: Jerry Bergman (b. 1948)
Significant Others
Here are additional articles that didn’t make the list of top visits, but the Editor feels are worth a look.
- 13 December [Intelligent Design]: DNA Does Not Explain Morphology
- 12 December [Amazing Facts]: ‘Simple’ Vision Is Too Much for Evolution
- 11 November [Mammals; Amazing Facts]: Beavers Mitigate Global Warming
- 31 October [Evolution]: Evolutionary Rates Vary by Millions
- 25 October [Birds]: Bird Flight Is Easy to Lose But Hard to Gain
- 20 October [Dating Methods]: Trending: Things Evolved ‘Earlier than Thought’
- 11 October [Fossils]: How to Darwinize Living Fossils
- 10 October [Genetics]: Epigenetics: Adaptation Without Darwinism
- 10 September [Mind and Brain]: Is Psychology Schizophrenic?
- 26 September [Geology]: Major Rethink of Magma Dogma
- 29 August [Dumb Ideas]: Slimy Evolution
- 25 July [Evolution]: Darwinspeak: An Excuse for Lazy Thinking
- 9 June [Amazing Facts; Health]: Body Was Created for Healing Itself
- 29 March [Human Body]: The Wonder Material: Cartilage
- 1 March [Genetics]: How to Adapt Without New Genes
- 18 February [Philosophy]: Climate Science Is Imprecise (continued on 19 Feb)
- 14 January [Human Body]: Snap Your Fingers About Design
Did you have a favorite article from 2022 not mentioned here? We would love to have your comments on Creation-Evolution Headlines, how often you visit, and what you find most interesting in our materials.
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