May 29, 2024 | David F. Coppedge

Darwinism Devalues Humanity

Like beasts, we only evolved to survive,
say evolutionists. We have no inherent worth.


To back up the headline “Darwinism Devalues Humanity,” all you have to do is read evolutionary stories about the origin of humans. Here are four recent examples in the “science” news

Why did hominins like us evolve at all? (New Scientist, 15 May 2024). Humans are just accidents of nature, claims this article under a large artist’s depiction of “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis), mouth agape and eyes with an idiotic stare. Michael Marshall has no idea why we are here. It could be range expansion. It could be technology. It could be this or that. So why are people listening to a know-nothing? One thing Marshall is sure of: it was not by Creation for a purpose, or by design, or with dignity and inherent worth and human rights (see our 27 May 2024 post).

Why did Homo sapiens emerge in Africa? (Live Science, 25 May 2024). Katherine Irving doesn’t know why we are here either. Her expert, Curtis Marean from Arizona State, conjectures that Africa was where Stuff Happens. Of many guesses out there, he considers a new suggestion by Brenna Henn at UC Davis that Homo sapiens emerged from a blending of two hominin populations in Africa, but admits,

“It doesn’t really fit with any theory that we have about how evolution happens,” he said. He agrees with Henn that Africa’s immense size likely created the genetic diversity that allowed for the advanced cognition and social cooperation of modern humans to evolve.

A big continent might “allow for” all kinds of things to happen, but it cannot make things happen. Why can’t evolutionists see this fallacy? Here is a large table with a penny on it. See if the table can get 100 heads in a row in an earthquake. Add some wind for good measure. The table “allows for” 100 heads, but doesn’t care what happens, and certainly cannot make it happen. Much less does a continent like Africa care what happens within its boundaries. Evolutionists wrongly surmise, “Well, we’re here, so it must have happened somehow.” By that they rule out Creation and admit their materialistic bias.

How men evolved to care for babies — before society got in the way (Nature, 15 May 2024). A common fallacy in evolutionary explanations is that organisms “evolved to” do this or that. Actually, Darwinism teaches that mutations are random, and are selected only for survival— not “to” perform some function. Trying to be politically correct with cherry-picked photos, Kermyt G. Anderson tries to argue that males “evolved to” be the nurturing ones but then “society got in the way,” as if that is a pity. But wait; didn’t society evolve by the Stuff Happens Law, too? You can’t get blood out of a turnip, and you can’t get purpose out of purposelessness.

Did humans evolve to chase down prey over long distances? (New Scientist, 15 May 2024). Here, Michael LePage commits the same “evolve to” fallacy. If chasing down prey is our raison d’être, then we have no inherent rights or value. We’re just here by accident. LePage should be asking how all the well-designed parts of the human body permit us to outrun horses and do all manner of Olympic events (see Your Designed Body), but no. He only cares about what blind, purposeless forces “might have” made humans so exceptional by chance. No value; no rights; no dignity.

We must shame these know-nothing, thankless, shallow-thinking, dogmatic censors out of the scientific community. Read our Biographies of Great Scientists to see how top-notch world-changing science used to be done—and still is being done—by scientists who believe we were created in the image of God with inherent dignity and purpose, and therefore believed science was merely a tool to protect human rights and improve the human condition. Darwinians have bequeathed us a science of storytelling and speculation that is useless and worthless.







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