Do these processes look like the result of chance mistakes? Scientists may often make discoveries by mistake (27 Jan 2025), but designers have to make systems that work. Earth’s...
...out to test a hypothesis is sometimes fulfilled, but not always. Young’s Law whimsically puts it, “All great discoveries are made by mistake.” Whoever Young was, he must have had...
...rely on called Snowball Earth. Before life got a foothold on our globe, they teach, the earth went through a period where most of the globe was covered with ice...
...saying this is how earth’s Grand Canyon formed – catastrophically, not slowly and gradually – and earth has the water to do it, but Mars today is dry. If on...
...evidence of recent volcanic activity on Venus, suggesting the planet could be as geologically active as Earth, with volcanoes possibly spewing on its surface as you read this. Whole globe...
...upper limit; it could be far less. Whenever you are told the earth and universe are billions of years old, don’t just swallow it: ask questions. That “the earth is...
...of years out there. They realize, though, that the fresh-looking deposits on this vent must be young. To evolutionary scientists, “young” can be millions of Darwin Years, but in this...
...equal to the mass of the entire universe, not a single carbon-14 atom would be left. Therefore, carbon-14 should be totally absent in samples far younger than a million years... by physicist Marcelo Gleiser, The Dawn of a Mindful Universe. Gleiser is driven by the ramifications of not finding intelligent life beyond Earth. What are secularists to think and...
...entries: Van Allen Belts Protect Earth from Solar Wind (11 June 2018) Earth Is a Safe Haven (23 May 2018) Star Trek for Real: Impenetrable Force Field Protects Earth (29...
...California (DFC) 40 years ago, a comet came out of the blue in a surprise Earth flyby. Here’s what we know now. (, 26 May 2023). This is a historical... system—more active than Earth, though much smaller—is Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io. The lavas in these vents are hotter than anything the Earth is erupting in its volcanoes. The Juno... in a rich ecosystem. Spinosaurids are among the largest land-dwelling predators to have ever lived on Earth. Their peculiar anatomy and sparse fossil record make spinosaurids mysterious in comparison...
...current form, less than 10,000 years ago. They are embracing an account of man’s origins promoted by Young Earth Creationists who lean on a painstakingly literal reading of the Scriptures,...
...class of examples showing that the solar system appears young. Find many more of these in our Solar System and Dating Methods categories. Incidentally, if Saturn’s rings are young, the...