Twisting Evidence Against Evolution Into Evidence For Evolution

Freed from serious critique by non-Darwinists, evolutionists can twist any data into support for their Darwinist ideology.

Is Terminal Lucidity a Window Into the Soul?

Patients with dementia sometimes "come back" briefly into lucid conversation. How is that possible?

Darwin’s Blunder Lives On

A major journal publishes a paper claiming that natural selection is like human engineering.

Calling It Evolution When It’s Not

Evolutionists' favorite word gets dragged into situations that don't involve speciation.

Another Fish Story That Is True

You'll be amazed at the power of a salmon's homing instinct in this short video.

Archive: First Land Animals, Lateral Gene Transfer, and Beetle Fans

Enjoy some of our posts from 22 years ago, which were lost during a website upgrade.

The Science of Being Wrong

In a process of continual correction, when does one get to certainty?

Magical Thinking by Evolutionists

Natural selection is a magic wand to evolutionists. It creates scientists from fish.

Archive: Caveman Rock, Body Time, Primate with Dinosaurs

Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?

Survival of the Nicest? Now They Tell Us.

Struggle for existence? No; love makes the world go round.

God Glorified in Solar Eclipse

Millions stood in awe of the April 8 solar eclipse but theists had the best time.

Wildflowers Illustrate Resurrection

Enjoy a beautiful new video for Easter from Illustra Media.

Archive: Tuatara, Eyes, Cells, Self-Organization, Astrobiology

More lost stories from the end of March 2002 are republished here. Topics: the tuatara, eyes, self-organization, cells, architecture.

Rethink of Genetics Supports ID over Darwinism

Out with junk DNA. Out with the Central Dogma. Make way for design thinking.

Darwin Was a Loser Before He Was Recast as a Legend

The Myth was not the man. A new book shows this in Darwin's own words.
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