How Long Does Geology Take?

Geological change can occur quickly, if conditions are right, affecting life and civilization.

Honor Your Body, Honor Your Creator

We should all treat our bodies as the gifts that they are, even when parts are not working as well as originally designed.

If Prediction Is a Hallmark of Science, the Resurrection Was Predicted

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was predicted centuries before it occurred. It was also corroborated by eyewitness testimony. Can science do better than this?

Paley’s Watch Found

There actually is a clock in the heath, and it's in our bodies, too.

Earwig Origami and Maple Seed Rockets

Engineering solutions from unlikely organisms inspire applications for wide-ranging human needs.

Diatoms: A Case Study in Darwinian Explanation

Some of the most beautiful, elegant, and vital organisms on earth demand a better explanation than 'stuff happens over and over.'

Neutron Imaging Solves Mystery of Leeuwenhoek’s Microscopes

It's been 300 years, and scientists are just now figuring out how Antony van Leeuwenhoek was able to grind microscope lenses of superior quality.

City Trees Give More in Ecosystem Services Than They Cost

City planners need to plant more trees in urban areas, but the benefits go beyond beautifying pavement. Urban areas occupy 4% of the land surface of the planet, says Theodore A. Endreny in a Comment article in Nature Communications. That may strike readers as surprising, given most people’s attention to cities for work, travel and […]

More Fossil Forests Found in Antarctica

The extent of fossil forests buried in the coldest continent on earth continues to grow and astound explorers.

The Mind-Body Problem Has Not Been Solved by Naturalism

Several news stories bring back the issue of mind-body dualism with a vengeance.

Ceres Is Young

Dawn Mission scientists were surprised to see this asteroid (dwarf planet Ceres) with a water cycle and evidence of rapid geological changes.

Updates for The Design of Life

New research puts more "wow" into the wonder of animals featured in Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries.

Pterosaurs and Birds Flew Together

Archaeopteryx flew as well as a pheasant, say paleontologists, and pterosaurs prospered right up to the moment of extinction.

Humans Are Exceptional at Birth – and Before

More studies show humanness from the start of life.

Earth Magnetic Field Still Decaying

Old-earth belief tries to paper over a disturbing fact with speculative models, but 160 years of measurements show the strength of our planet's magnetic field is dropping fast.
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