Bat Designs Tainted by Batty Evolution Stories

When learning about well-designed flyers like bats, is it helpful to speculate about how Darwinian evolution invented the traits by chance? Drink Up, Boys In previous news, we learned how dogs drink using “acceleration-driven open pumping” (15 Dec 2015). There’s a method in that mad slurping: to lift water from the bowl, your dog employs […]

Creation vs Evolution: The Bombardier Beetle Challenge

Bombardier beetles made the news again this week. Creation scientists have long used them to challenge evolutionary theory. Can the Darwinians fight back?

Woodpeckers Have Multiple Protections Against Brain Injury

Any one of these adaptations would challenge Darwinian evolution, but all of them together in head-banging bird?

What Your Body Needs

Most of us know some basic things our bodies need, but it's unlikely many people have heard of some of these requirements.

Dinosaur and Mammal Tracks Found Together

In what is being called the mother lode of Cretaceous tracks, mammals, dinosaurs and pterosaurs left their prints in a table-sized rock.

Some ‘Junk DNA’ May Act as Computer Memory *

Growing evidence supports the hypothesis that certain non-coding 'retrotransposons' may function as computational memory for genes. *[Audio version included]

Our Solar System Appears Odd to Astronomers *

Our solar system is an oddball, conclude astronomers who looked at hundreds of planetary systems around other stars. *Audio version available.

More Dead Sea Scrolls Found

Two separate articles discuss new findings about the famous Dead Sea Scrolls, the most significant archaeological find of the 20th century.

The Nature Effect: Observations Show the Benefits of Outdoor Education

In a world of eyes stuck to screens, some sage old advice is becoming trendy again: get out and smell the roses. We reported recently that discipline problems dropped significantly when prisoners were shown nature videos. Now, a study shows that young school children learn better outside. Teachers need no longer fear that going outside […]

Windows Into the Brain’s Operating System

The soft squishy lump in your skull has capabilities that defy understanding, but some of them seem vaguely familiar.

Hidden Volcano Comes to Light

It was the largest volcanic eruption in history. It happened five years ago. Did you hear about it? Probably not. Here's why.

Make Like a Snake

Here are a few more examples illustrating why the imitation of nature is one of the hottest trends in science.

Cell Repair Majors on Majors

When hit by damaging mutations, cells repair genes before non-coding areas. How do they know?

DNA Is the Future of Data Storage

Do you like futuristic thinking? Think ahead to when mankind's memory may revert to something ancient: DNA.

Bacteria Rule the Earth

Bacteria are inescapable. They're everywhere. Fortunately, many of them are here for good.
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