Tune In to Channel Kir2.1

A molecular machine with exquisite sensitivity has been shown in atomic detail for the first time.

Archer Fish Stars in New Movie

Illustra Media has just released a short documentary about an underwater sharpshooter: the Archer Fish!

How Naked Mole-Rats Avoid Mutations

Naked mole-rat research eloquently supports the creationists’ position that mutations are dominant in causing disease, aging, and eventually, death.

The Dinosaur Times

Reports about giant reptiles in the news: plesiosaurs and mosasaurs in the Sahara, fast-growing sauropods, Jurassic fish, more!

Thymus Cells Train in Boot Camp

New findings about the thymus gland reveal how it learns friend from foe

Waste Not, Want Not

In God’s natural economy, nothing is ever wasted   We learn in biology that plants use the carbon dioxide that we exhale, and we inhale the oxygen that plants and photosynthetic microbes release. Our skin flakes are food for microbes. Since fertilizer is made from cow manure, our solid waste could potentially have that function […]

Adult Body Proportions Partly Solved

Progress in solving the mystery of adult-size similarity in animals: new genetic process sheds light on how organ proportionality works.

How Organisms Know When to Stop Growing

A common observation becomes a mystery when examined in detail.

Body Was Created for Healing Itself

New discoveries point out automatic mechanisms for repair and health. Could disease result from failure of these processes?

Extinct Marine Reptiles vs Evolution

Plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs were well designed. Saying they evolved does not make it so.

Fireflies Light Up New Illustra Video

Zoom in to the light organs. Zoom out to a wonder of nature.

New Body Organ Comes to Light

Another new organ discovered: the human body has now become even more complex!

Christian Chemist Saves the Planet in a Flash

Dr James Tour, a long-time critic of Darwinian evolution and origin of life theories, invents a process that can rapidly recycle any carbon substance.

Dragonfly Cat Trick Explained

An upside down dragonfly can right itself faster than the blink of an eye.

Gaze Anchoring Keeps Your Eye on the Ball

Without this automatic ability in the eye, vision would be awash in distracting information.
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