Convergent Evolution Is a Theory Rescue Device, Not an Explanation

New experimental work only explains the loss of similar structures, not their origin.

Archive: Evolutionists, Peacocks, Extinctions, Brain, Terrorism, Whales, More

What were evolutionary scientists claiming 23 years ago? Read these CEH archives and see!

Penguins Were Created to Swim

A new 2024 fossil analysis fails to show that penguin flippers evolved from flight wings.

Archive: Brittlestars, Extinction, Feathers, Adultery, Cells, Censorship

These posts from August 2001 show that some topics discussed 23 years ago are still in the news.

Archive: Spider Webs, Cave Art, Chili, Prayer, Cicadas, Mars

This collection of archived articles from July 2001 will stimulate a variety of emotions.

Archive: Ethics, Rights, Bird Trees, Stalactites, Cells

Would you know some of these articles are "old news" from 23 years ago if you didn't see the dates? It appears that evolutionists have not changed much.

Vulture Design Highlighted

Illustra Media's new short film shows that ugly things can be beautiful in their own way.

Better Science Without Darwin

Scientists wouldn't rush to imitate nature if it was poorly designed.

Magical Thinking by Evolutionists

Natural selection is a magic wand to evolutionists. It creates scientists from fish.

More Ignorance About Bird Flight Admitted

Fifty years of speculation has offered no solution to how birds fly.

Origin of Bird Flight: Pick Your Miracles

Powered flight in birds arose only once; no! it arose many times!

Shelled Eggs Crack Evolution

Explaining shelled eggs by natural selection is a major problem.

Hummingbirds Thrive on Sugar

Why don't hummingbirds get diabetes? They didn't evolve to live on sugar; they were designed that way.

Winged Darwin: Pterosaur Diversity, But No Ancestor

A lizard could not just take off like a bird. Flight specs are required!

Darwinian Storytelling Dumbs Down Media

How silly does an evolutionary story have to get before reporters revolt?
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