Biological Designs Worth Imitating

If these designs are so good that intelligent minds want to mimic them, who can believe they emerged by chance?

Pretending Intelligent Design Is Like Evolution

Imprecise language confuses the evolution issue, making it seem like goal-directed activity of intelligent minds mimics Darwinism.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part Two

When it comes to evolution, fallacious reasoning spreads far and wide through Big Science and Big Media.

The Great Dinosaur Mix-up

Evolutionists seem to enjoy rearranging branches on the Darwin tree, not to find the truth, but to fool the public into thinking they're getting warmer.

More Soft Tissue Found in Cretaceous Fossil Bird

Unrepentant over extreme falsification, evolutionary paleontologists are just taking it for granted that soft tissue can survive millions of years.

Clever Critters

Small animals accomplish mighty wonders that require knowledge of advanced mathematics, physics and genetics.

Rethinking Fossils

Every time a new fossil turns up, a theory quakes. New evidence can subject a theory to the falsification test.

Design of Life Update: Birds

Illustra Media’s Design of Life documentaries only began to explore the marvels of life. In this entry, we look at more wonders among birds. Eggs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, as shown in a rapid-fire series in the Illustra film. In an “Egg Mythbuster” piece, explains why some eggs are pear-shaped. […]

Strange and Wonderful Animals Explored

Look at what scientists are learning about some common animals, and others not so common.

Evolution for the Birds

Birds have not evolved as much as evolutionary theories about them have.

Crazy Convergences Distort Darwinism

Get a load of this: Darwinians claim that complex features arose independently multiple times by an unknown process called "convergent evolution."

More Collapsed Darwinian Expectations

There's a new trend in Darwinian press releases: reporting falsified expectations. Keep up the good work.

Evolution Deniers of the Non-Human Kind

Here are some fun animals and plants worth knowing about, not only for what they do, but for the pained expression they give Darwinians.

Darwinism Still Corrupts Culture

The bad fruits of Social Darwinism are well known. Less well known are ongoing negative influences of modern Darwinian ideas on human behavior.

Fast Flight Specializations in Birds and Bats

When you are moving rapidly, you need to see things differently.
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